Hunting For Potential Airdrops




They say, Fortune favors the brave. And it does take some heart to be an early adaptor of some new network or technology. New platforms and technology comes with certain risks and uncertainties, but fear not as you may get rewarded handsomely for your curiosity and explorer mindset.

Ethereum sidechains and dapps are big on giving freebees, as witnessed in Uniswap or the more recent Optimism airdrops. I was never a big fam of Ethereum due to those bugging gas costs, so I missed big on all those airdrops. But watching many of my acquaintance get thousands of dollars worth freebees was an eye opener. Hell, I was also jealous to some extent. So, I pledged myself to never miss out on any big potential airdrop again.

When talking about 'Potential Airdrops', here is how they work. Any new network launched whether layer 1 or layer 2, or even a project can be a potential airdrop candidate. New networks or projects mostly launch launch their own tokens as they gets established, and they might reward their early adopters in the form of airdrops.

So, the best way to become eligible for any project's upcoming airdrop is to become a part of the new community by moving some funds to that platform, repeatedly using their services/offerings and be a part of their social circles.

But the issue is, a plethora of new launches and projects are out there and it gets difficult to guess which one is gonna be big and do an airdrop. So in this regard, mostly go with your gut feeling and choose the projects which you feel are worth it and are gonna be huge.

For starters, several prominent Ethereum layer 2 scaling solutions are a sure bet(as sure as it can be) e.g. Optimism, Arbitrum, zk-Sync and StarkNet. Arbitrum has already done an airdrop but they also announced future airdrops. Arbitrum, zk-Sync and StarkNet hadn't yet introduced their native tokens, so when they do they are most probably gonna do so by an airdrop.

With overall crypto market shrinking, the price of Ethereum has also tanked. So as of now, it is super cheap to cover all major Ethereum scaling solutions and be eligible for any future potential airdrops.


I covered four layer 2 scaling solutions (Optimism, Arbitrum, zk-Sync) yesterday, starting up with just $60 worth Ethereum. Hell, in the end I was even left with $25 worth Ethereum.

The process is pretty simple:

  • Load your layer 1 Ethereum address with $50-100 worth Ethereum.
  • Bridge that Ethereum to Layer 2 solution of your choice.
  • Perform multiple transactions(3+) like swap or NFT minting on the Layer 2 platform.
  • Bridge the remaining Ethereum back to your Layer 1 address.
  • And repeat the above process with next Layer 2 platform and so on.

That will be all for now. Hope you get lucky in pursuit of those airdrops.

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PS: In case of any confusion regarding above mentioned scaling solutions, feel free to bug me in the comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sadly, the high fee of eth at times can eat all your profits.


Thank you for the information. Very useful. I'm still learning and find it hard to understand the difference between Layer 1 & 2. I guess I will understand more if I try one of your option suggestions Optimism, Arbitrum, zk-Sync, StarkNet. Thank you.


Hi, I found you when looking for people to add to the #BritList. Welcome to Hive. Where are you based?


Sorry for the late reply, I'm based in London UK. :-)


Great information. Thank you so much for the way to find the airdrop.
