You are responsible for your life … all of it 🙏🏽✨



Food for thought:

As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity.

—James Hillman

The purpose of this fine quote is not ‘to blame the victim’, but to prompt us to consider the mystery of destiny — how there are no accidents & we are responsible for our lives.

Properly understand, everything can be used to our advantage /development.

This is a spiritual truth 🙏🏼

By extension, meditating on the peculiar pain that goes with all of the above ... as somehow necessary for our development. In the final equation, there is no separating curses from blessings, in all things (so, perhaps, no curses).

The lesson will be repeated, until it is learned. The lesson will be repeated... The ancients are timeless; it's the ultra-moderns that age fast ;) Mortui Vivos Docent [Latin for: The Dead Shall Teach the Living]

This is why I love to read, how books can captures in their word-net what is almost too slippery for language... licensed eavesdropping on inner processes or states of being...

Below, a short poem of mine:

Books, as beads, on a rosary
tugging on one after the other
to be carried away to the vast
then returned to safe harbor.

Book sculpture: Guy Laramee
