🦋Hermosas Pulseras Solitarias🦋Beautiful Solitaire Bracelets🦋



Hola mis queridos amigos de hive y de la gran comunidad hermosa de jewerly es nuevo gusto poder estar con ustedes espero que se encuentren muy bien siempre siendo positiva y dándo siempre lo mejor de mi en esta comunidad espero que hoy vean esta increíble publicación pues yo hoy me enfoque en pensar mucho en el valor de la Amistad y se me vino a la mente unas lindas pulseras solitarias para dárselo a mi mejor amiga una chica impresionante .

Bueno estas pulsera son de motivo la amistad que hay entre ella y yo y pues este será un obsequio y un pequeño detalle para ella unas pulsera de dos mariposa mostrando una delicadeza y un gran valor de amistad .

Es muy fácil de hacer y con muy pocos materiales aquí la continuación de los materiales utilizados en esta creación.




Paso 1
Lo primero es tomar el Nailon y medirlo en nuestro brazo haciendo o mejor midiendo como quedará la pulsera de largo .

Esto es muy importante ya que nos sirve por si nos queda muy corta que sobre el Nailon es pocas palabras es mejor de sobre y no que falte .

Una vez ya metido el Nailon se corta con la hojilla de manera muy cuidadosa a mi en particular siempre me ha gustado trabajar con tijeras pero no la tenia a la mano y me toco cortar fue con la hojilla debemos siempre tomar las precauciones necesarias al trabajar con este material .
Paso 2
Lo que vamos hacer después de todas estas listas es tomar la mariposa e ir metiendo por los agujeros de ella .

De esta manera debe de hacerse porque tiene que quedar siempre el amarre o los nudos por la parte de atrás.

Una por fuera la otra por dentro osea el Nailon lo pasamos por arriba y por abajo y después viene los otros procedimiento.

Paso 3
Una vez ya listo los nudos tomamos las perlas blancas

Paso 4
Y las perlas tiene que ir antes y después del nudo eso va a permitir que la perla no se ruede este procedimiento lo vamos a repetir varias veces yo lo hice tres veces

Paso 5
Una vez ya terminado los pasos tomamos y hacemos unos tres nudos en la parte final del hilo

Y al final de igual manera hice el nudo de la primera pulsera y también use la misma técnica de los nudos .

Bueno aquí les dejo esta hermosa creación de verdad que quede enamorada de mi Creación no se si es porque es especial y de la Amistad pero es como siempre lo digo Siempre de los pequeños detalles quedan Grandes recuerdos y este es uno de ellos .

Espero que les guste mucho mi contenido siempre con mente positiva y de todo corazón ♥ espero sus comentarios y que sea Dios bendiciendolos siempre.



  • Las fotos son de mi autoria y fueron tomadas por mi teléfono Samsung A01
  • Traductor utilizado DeepL Traductor
  • Las imágenes son editas mediante la aplicación editor de fotos polish y los separadores fueron editados mediante la aplicacion editor de fotos canva .


Hello my dear friends of hive and the great beautiful community of jewerly is new pleasure to be with you I hope you are very well always being positive and always giving the best of me in this community I hope today you see this incredible publication because today I focus on thinking a lot about the value of Friendship and I came to mind a nice solitary bracelets to give it to my best friend an awesome girl .

Well these bracelets are for the friendship between her and me and this will be a gift and a small detail for her a bracelet of two butterflies showing a delicacy and a great value of friendship.

It is very easy to make and with very few materials here is the continuation of the materials used in this creation.




Step 1
The first thing to do is to take the Nylon and measure it on our arm making or better measuring how long the bracelet will be.

This is very important because it will help us if it is too short that the Nylon is too short, it is better to have too much Nylon and not too little.

Once the Nylon is in the Nylon is cut with the blade very carefully to me in particular I have always liked to work with scissors but I did not have it at hand and I had to cut was with the blade we must always take the necessary precautions when working with this material.
**Step 2
What we are going to do after all these lists is to take the butterfly and go through the holes in it.

This must be done in this way because it must always be the tie or knots from the back side.

One on the outside and the other on the inside, i.e. the Nylon we pass it through the top and the bottom and then comes the other procedures.

**Step 3
Once the knots are ready we take the white pearls

Step 4
And the pearls have to go before and after the knot that will allow that the pearl does not roll this procedure we are going to repeat it several times I did it three times.

**Step 5
Once the steps are finished we take and make three knots at the end of the yarn

And at the end I made the knot of the first bracelet in the same way and I also used the same technique of the knots.

Well here I leave this beautiful creation of truth that I was in love with my creation I do not know if it is because it is special and Friendship but it is as I always say it always of the small details are great memories and this is one of them.

I hope you like my content very much always with a positive mind and wholeheartedly ♥ I hope your comments and may God bless you always.



  • The photos are of my authorship and were taken by my Samsung A01 phone.
  • Translator used DeepL Translator
  • The images are edited using the polish photo editor application and the separators were edited using the canva photo editor application .!


Hello my dear friends of hive and the great beautiful community of jewerly is new pleasure to be with you I hope you are very well always being positive and always giving the best of me in this community I hope today you see this incredible publication because today I focus on thinking a lot about the value of Friendship and I came to mind a nice solitary bracelets to give it to my best friend an awesome girl .

Well these bracelets are for the friendship between her and me and this will be a gift and a small detail for her a bracelet of two butterflies showing a delicacy and a great value of friendship.

It is very easy to make and with very few materials here is the continuation of the materials used in this creation.




Step 1
The first thing to do is to take the Nylon and measure it on our arm making or better measuring how long the bracelet will be.

This is very important because it will help us if it is too short that the Nylon is too short, it is better to have too much Nylon and not too little.

Once the Nylon is in the Nylon is cut with the blade very carefully to me in particular I have always liked to work with scissors but I did not have it at hand and I had to cut was with the blade we must always take the necessary precautions when working with this material.
**Step 2
What we are going to do after all these lists is to take the butterfly and go through the holes in it.

This must be done in this way because it must always be the tie or knots from the back side.

One on the outside and the other on the inside, i.e. the Nylon we pass it through the top and the bottom and then comes the other procedures.

**Step 3
Once the knots are ready we take the white pearls

Step 4
And the pearls have to go before and after the knot that will allow that the pearl does not roll this procedure we are going to repeat it several times I did it three times.

**Step 5
Once the steps are finished we take and make three knots at the end of the yarn

And at the end I made the knot of the first bracelet in the same way and I also used the same technique of the knots.

Well here I leave this beautiful creation of truth that I was in love with my creation I do not know if it is because it is special and Friendship but it is as I always say it always of the small details are great memories and this is one of them.

I hope you like my content very much always with a positive mind and wholeheartedly ♥ I hope your comments and may God bless you always.



  • The photos are of my authorship and were taken by my Samsung A01 phone.
  • Translator used DeepL Translator
  • The images are edited using the polish photo editor application and the separators were edited using the canva photo editor application .


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Muy hermosas las pulseras amiga, me encantaron... el detalle de la "mariposa" le quedó genial!
Un abrazo! @yanetzi1


Hey muchas gracias bella si quedaron muy lindas y coquetas


@yanetzi1 quedaron muy hermosas tus pulseras y con mi insecto favorito, mucho más lindas , Saludos 🤗
