RE: Destructive power...

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Engaging in relationships with people who exhibit narcissistic traits or manipulate others through victimization can be truly exhausting and disheartening. It is unfortunate that these types of interactions sometimes lead to misunderstandings and negativity in the workplace.

Often, the problems people create have more to do with their own internal struggles than anything else. This projection can lead them to distort truths and spread negativity, which is detrimental not only to the targets of their behavior, but to the entire social environment around them.

Keeping your distance from these "emotional vampires," as you have aptly named them, can be a healthy choice. It is crucial to protect one's own emotional well-being by setting boundaries with people who constantly drain energy and bring negativity. In any environment, but especially professionally, cultivating a network of positive and supportive relationships is key to personal and collective success.


This is terrible and that's where you decide what to do with it, and they are convinced that they do not need help. Here's the detail.

The most sensible thing is to put distance, especially if this happens in couple relationships. It is a very difficult disorder. Do you live it? Does someone come to mind from your environment?
