Camping Back in Lingkok Kuwieng


Hello Hive'r

In this post I share about traveling or camping back to Lingkok Kuwing, I myself have not been to Lingkok Kuwieng for a very long time, but the invitation of some friends to go back camping there made me interested in doing it.

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Our journey started from the office of a political party in Pidie district. After preparing all the equipment to the rajui reservoir located in the district of Padang Tiji, Pidie, Aceh. While waiting for some friends who had not arrived, I and some friends enjoyed the beauty of the reservoir, and we were also in a very heavy rain. Even though it was raining, my friends continued their journey, only the two of me and my best friend were waiting for the rain to stop.

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Because it was raining, we couldn't continue the journey by motorbike and had to walk to Lingkok Kuwieng. After parking the motorbike in a safe place, we continued our journey, at that time it was 18.30 WIB, and the team had already split into two teams. The team that runs at the front is the team that carries the logistics, and the team that is behind is our team. On the way our team also rested to recover stamina while enjoying coffee and snacks.

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We continued our night journey slowly but surely with the path sometimes climbing sometimes also decreasing until we arrived at the Lingkok Kuwieng location at 23.15. When we arrived at the location, the logistics team had already arrived at the location, they had already prepared coffee and cooked mutton. While waiting for the food to be ready, several team members prepared tents, prepared lighting and all the necessities for camping. After eating all the members went to sleep.







After breakfast, the team members were busy with their respective activities, some were bathing in the river, chatting with other members and some were having fun taking photos with a view of the natural beauty of Lingkok Kuwieng. Lingkok Kuwing is a tourist spot in Pidie district, Aceh that offers natural beauty. Lingkok Kuwieng has the beauty that lies in its valley and has a beautiful small waterfall.





That's my short article about camping back in Lingkong Kuwieng, I hope you like it.

Regards @yayan

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