Besitos de Coco para Emprendedores (Esp-Eng)


Hola feliz día mis amigos de Hive, hoy quiero compartirles una receta que preparé para mis hijos y a todos nos encantó, se trata de los famosos besos de coco, dulce tradicional venezolano que a todos nos encanta.
No había tenido la oportunidad de prepararlos, pensaba que era muy difícil, hasta que una compañera de trabajo trajo para vender y nos explicó como hacerlo, yo aumente las cantidades y recree la sugerencia de elaboración dada por varias personas, esto fue un experimento que termino muy bien.

Hello happy day my friends of Hive, today I want to share with you a recipe that I prepared for my children and we all loved it, it is the famous besos de coco, a traditional Venezuelan sweet that we all love.
I had not had the opportunity to prepare them, I thought it was very difficult, until a coworker brought to sell and explained to us how to do it, I increased the quantities and recreate the suggestion of elaboration given by several people, this was an experiment that ended very well.


Me arriesgue y quedé satisfecha con el resultado, esta es la versión económica de este dulce tradicional venezolano, el cual puedes enriquecer agregándole huevos, leche, canela, mantequilla o aceite y puedes sustituir el papelón por panela o melaza.

I took a risk and was satisfied with the result, this is the economic version of this traditional Venezuelan sweet, which you can enrich by adding eggs, milk, cinnamon, butter or oil and you can substitute the papelón for panela or molasses.


No había tenido la oportunidad de prepararlos, pensé que era muy difícil, hasta que una compañera de trabajo trajo para vender y nos explicó como hacerlo, aumenté las cantidades y recree la sugerencia de elaboración que me dieron varias personas, este fue un experimento que terminó muy bien.

I had not had the opportunity to prepare them, I thought it was very difficult, until a coworker brought them to sell and explained to us how to do it, I increased the quantities and recreated the preparation suggestion that several people gave me, this was an experiment that ended very well.

Y lo que necesitarás es lo siguiente

1 kilo de harina de trigo leudante
1 papelón de cono
1 cda. de polvo de hornear
1 sobrecito de clavos de olor
2 cocos secos.

And what you will need is the following.
kilo of leavening wheat flour
1 cone baking paper
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1 sachet of cloves
2 dried coconuts.


Manos a la obra

Lo primero que haremos es con ayuda de un cuchillo y una tablita de madera, cortar el papelón en pedacitos pequeños.

Let's get to work.
The first thing to do is to cut the papelón into small pieces with the help of a knife and a small wooden board.


Ya teniendo el papelón picado en su totalidad vamos a llevarlo a cocción incorporándole 4 tazas de agua y el sobre de los clavitos de olor, removemos muy bien y esperamos hasta que el papelón se disuelva y quedé esta mezcla con consistencia de almíbar.

Once the paprika is chopped in its entirety, we are going to cook it by adding 4 cups of water and the sachet of cloves, stir well and wait until the paprika dissolves and the mixture has the consistency of syrup.



Luego vamos a proceder a picar los cocos y a sacarle toda la parte blanca con ayuda de un cuchillo o una cucharilla.

Then we will proceed to chop the coconuts and remove all the white part with the help of a knife or a spoon.



Seguidamente, con ayuda de un rayo preferiblemente de metal, vamos a comenzar a rayar todo el coco que extrajimos y el que no podamos lo vamos a picar en pedacitos muy pequeños con ayuda de un cuchillo.

Next, with the help of a beam, preferably a metal one, we will begin to grate all the coconut that we extracted and the one that we cannot, we will chop it into very small pieces with the help of a knife.



En un envase grande, con ayuda de un colador de jugo vamos a proceder a cernir la harina de trigo junto a la cucharada de polvo de hornear.
Luego vamos a integrar el almíbar producto del papelón, pero antes lo vamos a colar para extraer los clavitos de olor o cualquier impureza del papelón.

In a large container, with the help of a juice strainer, we will proceed to sift the wheat flour together with the tablespoon of baking powder.
Then we are going to integrate the syrup product of the papelón, but before we are going to strain it to extract the cloves or any impurity of the papelón.



Integramos ambos ingredientes y procedemos a agregar el coco rayado en forma de lluvia el cual vamos a unir a la mezcla anterior con movimientos envolventes.

Integrate both ingredients and proceed to add the shredded coconut in the form of rain which we are going to join to the previous mixture with wrapping movements.


Luego el producto de esta mezcla lo vamos a verter en una tortera de metal previamente enmantequillada y enharinada y lo vamos a llevar al horno previamente encendido a temperatura media alta por aproximadamente una hora, esto va a variar de acuerdo a la capacidad de cada horno.
Vas a golpear el centro de la torta y de acuerdo al sonido y la experiencia sabrás si el beso está listo o no, otra opción es introducir un palillo y que este salga completamente limpio.

Then we are going to pour the product of this mixture into a previously buttered and floured metal cake pan and we are going to take it to the oven previously turned on at medium high temperature for approximately one hour, this will vary according to the capacity of each oven.
You are going to hit the center of the cake and according to the sound and experience you will know if the kiss is ready or not, another option is to insert a toothpick and it will come out completely clean.




Despégalo de la tortera y déjalo reposar por aproximadamente 20 minutos o hasta que enfríe en su totalidad y procede a realizar los cortes, yo en esta oportunidad usé una tortera redonda y saqué 30 pedazos, también puedes utilizar una tortera rectangular o cuadrada para que los cortes y las raciones queden más exactas.

Remove it from the pan and let it rest for approximately 20 minutes or until it cools completely and then proceed to make the cuts, I used a round pan and took out 30 pieces, you can also use a rectangular or square pan so that the cuts and portions are more accurate.


Y este es mi resultado final, espero te guste y puedas recrear esta receta, recuerda que te estoy mostrando la forma más económica para prepararla como emprendimiento, yo la hice para merendar y la acompañé con una taza de café caliente, espero te guste, te comparto con mucho cariño, me despido hasta una nueva publicación, soy @yelimarin

And this is my final result, I hope you like it and you can recreate this recipe, remember that I am showing you the most economical way to prepare it as a venture, I made it for a snack and accompanied it with a cup of hot coffee, I hope you like it, I share it with much affection, I say goodbye until a new publication, I'm @yelimarin



Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9A, utilicé el traductor DeepL para la versión en inglés.

The images are my own, taken with my Redmi 9A cell phone, I used the translator DeepL for the English version.


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Al igual que tú pensaba que eran difíciles de preparar 😊 gracias por compartir esta receta que sin duda haré en algún momento 😋


Si, anímate, son muy sabrosos, le puedes agregar canela que le da un toque fenomenal, está receta es de bajo presupuesto, ideal para la venta pero si la vas a hacer para ti puedes agregarle más ingredientes como te menciono en el post


Bueno ese experimento te salió muy bien porque se ven muy ricos, lo bueno es que su preparación no están complicada, habrá que intentarlo aquí en el hogar, para ver cómo quedan, saludos amiga buenos besos has hecho jeje.


Hola amigo, que bueno que te gustó mi receta, si yo creí que eran difíciles de preparar y me explicaron y me puse a inventar, me quedaron bien buenos, anímate a prepararlos.
