1st Governance Vote Upcoming for $FART Token



Please note there will be a post in the FARTING COMMUNITY regarding our 1st Governance Vote for all $FART TOKEN Holders on Saturday June 25th. If you need to catch up see the posts below in order to make the most informed vote.

To recap we have recently made some great update posts regarding the 1st ever $FART TOKEN NFT successfully sold and is currently getting incrementally more valuable as each day goes by. Fart Token NFT

We have also taken actions to make $FART TOKEN an deflationary token. Deflated Fart

Lastly we announced development of FARTI-FIT, the Fart to Earn Dapp Device. Farti-Fit

We encourage diversity at the workplace and after the announcement and coming out, he has received nothing but and overwhelming response of praise and acceptance, thank you Farting Community. Epic-Fail Cums out of Closet


The Governance Vote post with be published tomorrow in the Farting Community. Farting Community

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yieldgrower has been named as head of Public Relation on Leo Finance
