Newbies Task 7 Closing a learning cycle / Cerrando un ciclo de aprendizaje

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Hola comunidad:

Ha culminado nuestro tiempo de encuentros instructivos para conocer acerca del ecosistema Hive. Han sido unas semanas interesantes de constante aprendizaje y así lo hemos demostrado en las respuestas de las tareas semanales.

Hoy corresponde expresarnos en qué medida esta iniciativa ha beneficiado a los novatos que hemos sido parte de esta actividad. Para ello el equipo a cargo ha preparado el siguiente cuestionario:

Qué opinas de la Iniciativa para Novatos y cómo te ha ayudado en tu andadura en la Colmena?

¿Cómo te han ayudado las tareas asignadas?

¿Qué aspectos de la Iniciativa crees que podríamos mejorar, y cómo?

¿Qué valor cree que puede aportar a la iniciativa?

Recuerda la Iniciativa para Novatos Tarea 1 en la que se te pidió que establecieras tus objetivos. Muéstranos un recuento de tus objetivos y hasta dónde has llegado.

El pasado 6 de abril iniciaron las conversaciones con las publicaciones instructivas para los novatos que se sumaron a esta iniciativa.

Nuestra primera misión fue diseñar nuestros objetivos inteligentes estableciendo metas y estrategias en Hive para este período en el que estaríamos aprendiendo a navegar en este gran océano. Además de trazar el camino a seguir, identificamos posibles obstáculos que pudieran atentar en contra de su cumplimiento.

Para evaluar mis objetivos trazados en la primera tarea lo haré mediante una tabla comparativa:

ObjetivoValor inicialValor final% Cumplimiento
Crecer HIVE Power a 700.52057932.7
Crecer Seguidores en 5 usuarios.6184460
Aumentar mi reputación a 66 puntos.63.964.3420.95
Aumentar la cantidad de publicaciones a 80.638052.94
Participar en al menos cuatro concursos.4125
Hacer crecer la blockchain a igual por ciento que mi aporte (50/50) con cada publicación.50/5050/50100
Mantener interacción diaria de al menos diez publicaciones de otros usuarios.43020246.97

Haciendo un análisis de lo expuesto, puedo concluir que la mayoría de los objetivos que me tracé tuvieron un porcentaje muy bajo de cumplimiento con lo cual no estoy feliz, sobre todo porque siento que me esforcé al máximo para poder dar lo mejor de mí. Aún así no fue suficiente, pues influyeron negativamente aspectos que afectaron las estrategias que me tracé.

El 15 de abril realicé la primera tarea sobre las metas del curso. Contando desde esa fecha al día de hoy, van seis semanas. Mis objetivos los tracé para un tiempo estimado de ocho semanas, por lo cual esto es una desventaja para hacer un análisis de los cumplimientos.

Tal vez debí haber dirigido mis actividades en períodos semanales y así hubiera tenido resultados más enmarcados, pero tomé el tiempo general de ocho semanas.

Un promedio de dos publicaciones semanales en este tiempo, corresponden doce y esto lo cumplí, de hecho, logré hacer una más.

Mi participación en los concursos estuvo deficiente, pues solo logré participar en uno, de cuatro que tenía planificado.

No logré hacer Power Up el primer día del mes de mayo, pues de conjunto con mi esposo había extraído para comprar una laptop que nos sirve para poder crear contenido con mayor calidad y comodidad para nosotros.

Las diez interacciones diarias en Posts de otros usuarios no me fue posible realizarlas todos los días.

El número de seguidores aumentó y superó mi expectativa, pues gané nuevos amigos usuarios participantes en esta iniciativa.

El tiempo fue un factor determinante para el cumplimiento de mis objetivos, pues como expresé en mi tarea número uno, los momentos para dedicarle a Hive han disminuído considerablemente:

Hace casi dos meses me reincorporé a mi centro laboral, luego de una licencia de maternidad y esto indiscutiblemente deja menos tiempo para mi día a día y la atención que requiere Hive.

La Iniciativa para Novatos ha sido una guía para todo aquel usuario que recién se incorpora al mundo de Hive. Me ha enseñado mediante la práctica a tener mejor dominio de Markdown, Canva, a proteger mi cuenta de Hive contra posibles estafadores, a expandirme en los diferentes fronteds, a publicar videos. También he conocido otras formas de generar cripto a través del manejo de los Tokens y los juegos blockchain.

Todas estas tareas me han aportado en gran medida a comprender un poco más y sacar mejor provecho de mi vida en esta blockchain. Recomiendo a todos los nuevos usuarios presentarse a futuras ediciones y participar de estas actividades.

Salir de mi zona de confort, estudiando y poniendo en práctica lo aprendido ha abierto mi visión con respecto a lo beneficioso y productivo que resulta HIVE para los usuarios.

He conocido nuevos autores que compartimos mismos intereses y nos ayudamos entre todos.

Notificación de hivebuzz

Algo muy importante que me sucedió en este tiempo fue la notificación de Hivebuzz donde me informa que subí de nivel en la plataforma y ya soy un pecesito azul.

¡Los ejercicios prácticos han sido lo mejor!

Las tareas asignadas han sido significativas positivamente, pues el estudio de los temas con las publicaciones sugeridas no hubieran sido suficientes, si no se hubiera puesto en práctica lo que los autores expresan en los tutoriales que nos mostraron.

¡Intentemos ser mejor!

A pesar de la planificación y de la preparación de una infraestructura a través de los canales de Discord, estuvo deficiente el apoyo en idioma español. La iniciativa estuvo encaminada a dar soporte en este idioma y sin embargo, no estuvo a la altura de lo esperado. Pudiera haberse previsto un equipo de varias personas que pudieran prestar la atención a los novatos de habla hispana, así cuando uno no estuviera disponible, los otros apoyarían y no se viera afectada la actividad para estos novatos. Yo misma intenté participar en las charlas en inglés, pero mi nivel no me permite el entendimiento de la conversación. Mi modo de comunicarme era a través de la escritura, utilizando el traductor.

Me gustaría sugerir para la inclusión del programa que se incluyera todo lo relacionado con el tema de la expansión de Hive, cómo compartir información y contenido con otras plataformas de la web 2 e incluso todo el movimiento que se está realizando en Leothreads.

Antes de finalizar quiero agradecer a todas las personas que hicieron posible la ejecución de las actividades programadas.

Agradezco también a mi jeje líder de equipo @moremoney28 por estar siempre presente y a mis compañeros de equipo por mostrar preocupación ante los problemas de salud que he presentado en esta temporada: @abu78, @flamethow, @saydie, @cleevesh, @chidistickz, @yahuzah.

Muchas gracias por su tiempo de lectura.


Hello community:

Our time of instructive meetings to learn about the Hive ecosystem has come to an end. It has been an interesting few weeks of constant learning and we have shown it in the answers to the weekly tasks.

Today it is up to us to express to what extent this initiative has benefited the novices who have been part of this activity. For this purpose, the team in charge has prepared the following questionnaire:

What do you think of the Novice Initiative and how has it helped you in your journey in the Hive?

How have the tasks assigned to you helped you?

What aspects of the Initiative do you think we could improve, and how?

What value do you think you can bring to the initiative?

Remember the Novice Initiative Task 1 where you were asked to set your objectives. Show us a tally of your objectives and how far you have come.

On 6 April, conversations began with the instructional publications for the newcomers who joined this initiative.

Our first mission was to design our smart objectives by setting goals and strategies in Hive for this period in which we would be learning to navigate this great ocean. In addition to charting the way forward, we identified possible obstacles that might stand in the way of achieving them.

In order to evaluate my objectives outlined in the first task, I will do so by means of a comparative table:

ObjectiveInitial valueFinal value% Fulfillment
Grow HIVE Power to 700.52057932.7
Grow Followers by 5 users.6184460
Increase my reputation to 66 points.63.964.3420.95
Increase the number of posts to 80.638052.94
Participate in at least four contests.4125
Grow the blockchain at the same rate as my contribution (50/50) with each post.50/5050/5050/50100
Maintain daily interaction of at least ten posts from other users.43020246.97

Analysing the above, I can conclude that most of the objectives I set myself had a very low percentage of fulfilment, which I am not happy with, especially because I feel that I tried my best to do my best. Even so, it was not enough, as there were some negative aspects that affected the strategies I had set out for myself.

On 15 April I did the first assignment on the course goals. Counting from that date to the present day, it has been six weeks. I set my goals for an estimated time of eight weeks, so this is a disadvantage for an analysis of the achievement.

Maybe I should have targeted my activities in weekly periods and then I would have had more framed results, but I took the overall time of eight weeks.

An average of two publications per week in this time corresponds to twelve, and this I achieved, in fact, I managed to do one more.

My participation in the competitions was poor, as I only managed to participate in one out of the four I had planned.

I didn't manage to do Power Up on the first day of May, because together with my husband I had extracted money to buy a laptop that allows us to create content with higher quality and comfort for us.

The ten daily interactions on other users' posts were not possible for me every day.

The number of followers increased and exceeded my expectations, as I gained new user friends participating in this initiative.

Time was a determining factor for the fulfilment of my objectives, because as I expressed in my task number one, the moments to dedicate to Hive have decreased considerably:

Almost two months ago I returned to my workplace after maternity leave and this undoubtedly leaves less time for my day-to-day work and the attention Hive requires.

The Newbie Initiative has been a guide for anyone new to the world of Hive. It has taught me through practice how to better master Markdown, Canva, how to protect my Hive account from scammers, how to expand on the different fronts, how to post videos. I have also learned other ways to generate crypto through token management and blockchain games.

All these tasks have greatly contributed me to understand a little more and make better use of my life in this blockchain. I recommend all new users to apply for future editions and participate in these activities.

Getting out of my comfort zone, studying and putting into practice what I have learned has opened my vision of how beneficial and productive HIVE is for users.

I have met new authors who share the same interests and help each other.

hivebuzz notification

Something very important that happened to me during this time was the notification from Hivebuzz informing me that I leveled up on the platform and I am now a little blue fish.

The practical exercises have been the best!

The tasks assigned have been positively significant, because the study of the topics with the suggested publications would not have been enough if we had not put into practice what the authors expressed in the tutorials they showed us.

Let's try to be better.

Despite the planning and preparation of an infrastructure through the Discord channels, Spanish language support was lacking. The initiative was aimed at providing support in this language and yet it did not live up to expectations. It could have been foreseen that a team of several people could have provided support for the Spanish-speaking newbies, so that when one was not available, the others would support and the activity for these newbies would not be affected. I myself tried to participate in the talks in English, but my level does not allow me to understand the conversation. My way of communicating was through writing, using the translator.

I would like to suggest for the inclusion of the programme to include everything related to the topic of Hive expansion, how to share information and content with other web 2 platforms, and even all the information about the Hive expansion, how to share information and content with other web 2 platforms, and even everything related to the Hive expansion.

I would like to suggest for the inclusion of the programme to include everything related to the topic of Hive expansion, how to share information and content with other web 2 platforms and even the whole movement that is taking place in Leothreads.

Before I finish I would like to thank all the people who made possible the execution of the scheduled activities.

I also thank my jeje team leader @moremoney28 for being always present and my teammates for showing concern about the health problems I have presented this season: @abu78, @flamethow, @saydie, @cleevesh, @chidistickz, @yahuzah.

Thank you very much for your time reading.

diseño gráfico.png

Texto propio, traducido al inglés mediante DeepL.
Separadores y Banner en Canva.

Own text, translated into English by DeepL.
Canva Banners and Banners.

Twitter: @ylaffittep
Facebook: @ylaffittep


Congratulations on making it to the final stages, I can remember you had difficulties some time ago in publishing because of your kids, but you still try your best to publish within that week. This shows how devoted you are to the initiative. You really did great. Yes, I agree with you for the fact that the Spanish speaking language wasn't given much attention and you guys were really lacking behind a lot. I am glad you managed to make it to the final day. Congrats once again.


That's right, we have had some very difficult times with illness, but that didn't stop me from delivering on time. My word is precious to me and I committed myself to this course and to Hive. There is nothing left to do but to try a little harder. English also slowed me down a bit, but still a little more effort and that's it. I think that improving ourselves every day is what makes us grow. Thank you very much for having shared with me during all this time and I hope we continue to do so. 😘


Yeah kinda hard for the Spanish participants when most materials provided were on English and Spanish meetings are often cancelled and it could also be a factor why your account growth becomes below than you're goals but I mostly know how hard you work to finish each task. Congratulations and well done!


It did take effort, especially because of the language and the fact that I could not even discuss issues and clarify doubts, but that also made me grow and look for more information in other publications. So I took advantage of that problem. I thank you for being present all this time. 🙏


Those are really good suggestions for the initiative, most of the newbies accepted before now were English users... I guess some things needs to be modified on that part as more different language speaking newbies are joining in.

Wow you achieved your goals, that is super awesome... You can only get better, so keep it up.

Congrats on getting to the end of the initiative, you are better than you were before from what you've shared here. Good luck on the rest of your journey on Hive.


I agree that inclusion and expansion will always be an improvement for everyone. Thank you very much for your words of congratulations. 😍


Muy buen post amiga!


Gracias, espero que les sirva de apoyo a los más nuevos. 😊
