🌟 Looking for the Legendary 🌟8️⃣ [ENG - ESP]

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¡Muy Buenas Comunidad de Rising Star! El día de hoy seguimos en la búsqueda de una Legendaria ¿Lograré conseguirla?

Hello Rising Star Community! Today we are still searching for a Legendary. Will I be able to get it?


El Día de Hoy seguiremos con la aventura para conseguir la Legendaria tan esperada por muchos jugadores de Rising Star, ya he aperturado en 2 ocasiones y han sido los peores packs que he abierto, la mayoría fueron instrumentos y obtuve muy pocos fans en las 2 aperturas, a continuación les colocaré algunos imagines de lo más destacable que me salieron en ambas aperturas.

Today we will continue with the adventure to get the Legendary so expected by many players of Rising Star, I have already opened 2 times and they have been the worst packs I have opened, most were instruments and I got very few fans in the 2 openings, then I will place some images of the most remarkable that I got in both openings.

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Como ven no es muy destacable lo que me toco, pero igual suma y va aumentando mi cuenta poco a poco. En la primera apertura solo sume 785 Fans y 861 Skills y en la última apertura sume 430 Fans y 425 Skills, entre ambas aperturas solo obtuve 1,215 Fans y 1,286 Skills dejando de esta manera mis Stats.

As you can see it is not very remarkable what I got, but it still adds up and increases my account little by little. In the first opening I only added 785 Fans and 861 Skills and in the last opening I added 430 Fans and 425 Skills, between both openings I only got 1,215 Fans and 1,286 Skills leaving this way my Stats.

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Esta vez no tuve mucha suerte y fueron 2 aperturas lamentables, aunque desanime un poco no me rendiré y seguiré con esta aventura y pronto lograré obtener una buena Legendaria. ¡Nos veremos en una Próxima Apertura!

This time I didn't have much luck and I had 2 unfortunate openings, although I'm a bit discouraged I won't give up and I will continue with this adventure and soon I will get a good Legendary. See you in the next opening!


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🌟 Telegram group https://t.me/elclubderisingstar

🌟 Edited Images in Canva
