Extra Holidays off work!!

These days most people love holidays "happily being in the category" I mean who doesn't, Life is too busy and we all need that time to switch it off and that's where the holiday comes in, it allows us to have a break from our daily routine life as well as enable us to refresh ourselves.

If I say I want every day to be a holiday people will say I'm being selfish but that's what I want I wish it could be possible, I know what you want to say "It's very much possible if I'm ready to be jobless right?" But I do not want to be jobless cause I need a job to survive.

I look forward to every holiday, I foresee it even before it comes, there was a day I was in a conversation with my friend on the phone and I was lamenting about the next public holiday, and how far it was, in my words "I couldn't believe after this recent holiday it's till first of May, it's so tiring so I don't get to take a day off work without that holiday" after saying all these I thought she was gonna say some nice words to console me "nope" she said I love holidays too much, I mean who doesn't, show me someone that doesn't love holidays so I can ask the person "why?".

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Remember the statement "All work and no play makes who a what..." Now if you wanna complete that statement you have to rephrase it and put workers there Kudos to me right? You must ask me why am saying all this when I have the weekends to myself, the thing is weekends aren't enough, especially with the current economic condition of my nation I would have said the work days should be reduced what I don't know is if it would ever be possible, and weekends can never be compared to extra holidays. These are times you get off work and focus on yourself, to relax, hang out with friends, create more time for family, and most importantly save small costs.

Working in a private company in my nation isn't easy, since I started to work at my current company more than a year now and I haven't taken a day off except for national public holidays talk more of weeks, I so much envy those working in the government sector, commercials bank workers and teachers they get to have some weeks off work, I wish my company would implement that for its staff, it would be nice, but "nope" that's the more reason why I look forward to every national public holiday and make the most of it because that's the only time I have to spend with family, have fun and most especially create time to enhance my personality and to learn new things.

The moments I'd feel like having more free days off work would be every quarter of the year, I would love to go on two or three weeks' holiday every quarter of the year, I don't know if it is too much but this moment will enable to create memories I can reminisce back on, I can also participate in other activities that aren't work-related. I know fully well there are enough holidays in a year but then these extra holidays would also keep my stress level in check, it will enable me to schedule sufficient time off to sustain my well-being and productivity, then when work resumes I'd be coming back looking healthy in all ramifications.

Thanks for reading🌹


If I say I want every day to be a holiday people will say I'm being selfish but that's what I want I wish it could be possible.

🤣🤣Very possible if you are ready to be jobless or full time house wife with different domestic staff at your service 🤣

The beauty of everything is we want more holiday👌


Ha ha I'm not ready to be jobless or be a full-time housewife, I'm not ready for that, can't I skip all these and just be😔😔😔😔😔😲😲


🤣🤣🤣you want to be sleeping at home?
To be honest, all women should stay back at home and just be earning a monthly salary because house chores are enough to deal with👌


I also love holidays and look forward to them haha It's a shame that in your company it's so difficult to have time off. I also feel a bit envious of some companies that extend their holidays and benefit their employees.


Yeah, I feel terrible sometimes hearing people going for leave and all that. Your company doesn't give you a break?


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If I say I want every day to be a holiday people will say I'm being selfish

WHY NOT haha. I don't think you are being selfish. I think this should be everybodys goal if they can do it. Get to a position in life where you don't really have to work and working is more of an option and it's something you truly enjoy doing. We can do this by working hard now while we're younger and making the right choices with our money by investing etc to use that hard earned money to work for us.

Anyways enjoy your weekend and whatever holidays that are coming up for you :D
