Enhancing Battle Power: Leveling Up Splinterlands Cards || Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

Cards are very important in splinterlands game and cards are the asset of every splinterlands user. The cards are of different levels and each level of cards has its own strength and importance. If the splinterlands player has high level cards, his battle lineup will be stronger than the opponents who have low level cards.

As the level of cards increases, the market value of that card also increases because when any cards are leveled up, level 1 cards are combined in it. Thus, if a card is level 2, then if ten or five level 1 cards are combined in it, then a level 2 card is created. Thus, if a certain number of level cards less than level 5 are combined for a level 5 card, a level 5 card will be created.

I am trying to increase the level of my cards and every week I am increasing the level of some cards and even today I am increasing the level of some monsters cards which will make my battle lineup stronger.


The card I leveled up today is called Ferox Defender. I had 114 Ferox Defender level 1 cards and I combined 100 cards in the first step to get a level 6 Ferox Defender card. The reason for taking this card to level 6 is to increase its power. From level 1 to level 5, there is no increase in the attack ability of this card, and until level 5, this card only has the power of protect, but in level 6, the greatest power of this card comes from Repair. Because of this ability. Ferox Defender repairs the armor of the friendly monsters whose armor is damaged the most with this ability. This card has a mana cost of 8 in battle and is a melee attacker card. I think its best position in the battle lineup is third to fourth position because it can protect itself from enemy attacks and repair the armor of its friendly monsters. I have also combined the remaining level 1 ten cards to get a level 2 card and now I have a Ferox Defendor level 6, a level 2 and four level 1 cards.


The second monster card I leveled up today is FireCaller. This is a common fire unit. This is a range attacker card and I had 101 Firecaller so I combined 100 level 1 cards and got a level 6 card. A level 6 Firecaller has two fighting abilities. Martyr and Fury. These two abilities add to the power of this card, so I've boosted Firecaller to level 6 because of the Fury ability. Now I have level 1 and level 6 cards one each and I want to take this card to level 10. i am feeling proud , i am getting high level cards collection every week, and my this effort will make my splinterlands game account more strong against my opponent .


Battle Orca is a very powerful card. The cost of this card is $0.46 in the splinterland market and I had a total of 9 level 1 cards. I combined five of the 9 cards to level 3. then i combined 3 cards to make level 2 card. now my level 3 cards makret value is $ 2.06. but i have no any wish to sell it but i have wish to increase its level 6 for battles. here i would like to say that high level cards collection if we will use in the battle, then we can earn more rewards and big reward in end of season and in daily chest opening.


venari Wavesmit is a monster with magic power and this card I leveled up to level 2. This card has the ability to protect all its friendly monsters with +2 armor in battle and also increases its health by 4 units at level 2. This is a rare water unit and I often use this card in battle. i like very much magic attacker monsters in my lineup against the enemy so it is my great achievement that i have now level 2 Venari wavesmith in my collection.


My fifth and last card today that I have leveled up is Captain's Ghost and it really is a Ghost and when it attacks the enemy it attacks the Ghost's lair and no one sees it. I have increased it to level 2. I have won many battles with the help of level 1 captain ghost and now I will add level 2 captain ghost to the battle against my opponent. This card is also a magical attack and its magical attack brings destruction and defeat to the enemy.

today i increased the 5 cards level . every cards has great importance and its value in the battle. but i always repeat in my every post that high level cards has power, strength in the battle but if we will not use them in best position acording to ruleset of the battle, we can not defeat opponent lineup. first and last my tips is for all new splinterlands players that always learn ruleset of the battle and try to learn from every opponent lineup victory, try to find out weakness and mistake of the selection lineup during battle. i defeated dozen time strongest oppoent that was using level 4 and 5 cards in lineup against me but i defeated them with level 1 cards but it was becasue i placed every cards at the correct place according to ruleset of the battle and my opponent did not place lineup according to ruleset of the battle in the battles. so try to learn every cards abilities and learn ruleset of the battles .

there is proof of combinations of cards to increase level 6 and level 2 , in above view you can see how many cards i combined to get level 6 and level 2 FEROX DEFENDER.

in above screenshot , i combined 100 FIRECALLER card to make level 6 FIRECALLER. i got all these screenshot from peakmonsters.

there is proof of battle orca , level 2 and level 3

my previous season end reward

Dear friends as you know i am earning from splinterlands from multi ways , i am playing daily rank battles and earned chest , then season reward, sps staking reward and my plot production . in last season i earned TOTAL: $4.184 reward , so this reward is my investment, if i earned TOTAL: $4.184 reward in every season its mean i invested around $10 , so my this $10 will be equal $1000 in future. so if you still did not join splinterlands then join this game with only $10 dollar and start earning . if you want to see detail about above screenshot then you can check my this source peakmonsters

thank you so much for reading my this post. hope my this post will be informative for new splinterlands users.

I got all screenshot from my splinterlands account and if you want to join the splinterlands game then you can join under my Ref LINk splinterlands


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Great and interesting update.
