(ESP/ENG) Adios al Dolor de Muelas: perdiendo el miedo al odontologo, Final Feliz. 😁 / (ESP / ENG) Goodbye to Toothache: losing the fear of the dentist, Happy Ending.😁


Hola comunidad, como bien se sabe la mayoría de nosotros siempre hemos tenido algún miedo a algo en particular, ya sea montar en bicicleta, tocar a un animal, jugar en el columpio, ir al odontólogo 😥, pero en algún momento hay que afrontar nuestro temor y superarlo, al final todo va estar bien.

Hello community, as you know most of us have always had a fear of something in particular, whether it be riding a bicycle, touching an animal, playing on the swing, going to the dentist 😥, but at some point we have to face our Fear and overcome it, in the end everything will be fine.



Desde pequeño se nos inculcan valores, roles y pequeñas responsabilidades como el lavado de nuestros dientes, en mi escuela primaria siempre nos llevaban en grupos al lavabo para cepillarnos los dientes, nos enseñaban como había que proceder, como había que limpiarlos, mas sin embargo no todos obedecíamos porque no le dábamos importancia, estamos pequeños, no sabíamos mucho.

Since we were little we were instilled with values, roles and small responsibilities such as brushing our teeth, in my elementary school they always took us in groups to the bathroom to brush our teeth, they taught us how to proceed, how to clean them, but not yet We all obeyed because we did not give it importance, we are small, we did not know much.

En mi caso mi miedo comenzó ahí, en la primaria con al llegada de el famoso Dr. Muelitas bastante amigable para los niños, que miedo podría causar no?, y claro el personaje no me daba miedo, lo que empezó mi miedo fue un pequeño frasco verde que le daban a los niños para ver si tenían caries pero para mi en ese entonces ver a los niños con los dientes de ese color fue terrorífico y me dio miedo, pensé que si iba luego al odontólogo iba a terminar con los dientes verdes. 😅

In my case my fear started there, in elementary school with the arrival of the famous Dr. Muelitas quite friendly for children, what fear could it cause, right? And of course the character did not scare me, what started my fear was a small green bottle that they gave to the children to see if they had cavities but for me in Back then seeing children with teeth of that color was terrifying and scared me, I thought that if I went to the dentist later I would end up with green teeth. 😅

Dr. Muelitas


Ya en la Secundaria comenzó el principio de lo que seria conocer el temible dolor de muelas a lo que yo en mi cabeza de estudiante que todo lo puede no le presto atención. Pasaron 5 largos años y tuve una mudanza y con ello el dolor de muelas aun activo, fue mucho lo que soporte pero ya me habia acostumbrado, pero mas tarde que nunca llego, un dolor de oído había comenzado, OTRO dolor se sumaba y yo no podía soportarlo, quise ser terco y omitirlo como hice con la muela pero no pude y tuve que, loq ue para mi era una decisión que se le sumaba al miedo que habia acumulado de pequeño, ir al odontólogo.

Already in high school the beginning of what it would be to know the fearsome toothache began to which I in my head as a student who can do everything I do not pay attention to. 5 long years passed and I had a move and with it the toothache was still active, it was a lot to bear but I had already gotten used to it, but later than it ever came, an earache had started, ANOTHER pain was added and I did not I could bear it, I wanted to be stubborn and omit it like I did with the tooth but I couldn't and I had to, which for me was a decision that added to the fear that I had accumulated as a child, to go to the dentist.

yo todos los dias/Me every day


Para aquel entonces en mi país existía Misión Barrio Adentro
donde traían médicos cubanos para diferentes áreas, en mi caso odontología.

Al principio dije hay que afrontar nuestro temor y superarlo y eso trate de hacer pero, el remedio fue peor que la enfermedad, pues fue un momento traumático y no por el echo de trataba de afrontar mi miedo si no porque todo lo que sucedió fue tan doloroso que cada vez que lo recordaba me dolía la cabeza, el solo echo de recordar como fue la extracción de la muela, fue horrible.

At that time in my country there was ** Mission Barrio Adentro **
Where they brought Cuban doctors for different areas, in my case dentistry.

At the beginning I said we have to face our fear and overcome it and that I tried to do but, the remedy was worse than the disease, because it was a traumatic moment and not because of the fact that I was trying to face my fear but because everything What happened was so painful that every time I remembered it my head ached, just remembering how the tooth was extracted was horrible.

Mision Barrio Adentro/Mission Barrio Adentro


No se si fue falta de profesionalidad o algún otro factor pero 3 anestesias y el dolor era muy presente, al menos dirán que ya no tenia que sufrir mas ese dolor y así fue, pero no por mucho.

I do not know if it was a lack of professionalism or some other factor but 3 anesthesia and the pain was very present, at least they will say that I no longer had to suffer that pain and it was, but not for long.



Unos años después a finales del 2020 el dolor volvió, pero esta vez no era 1 sola, si no 3, fue entonces cuando pase por un tratamiento de conducto en 5 sesiones 1 por semana con quien seria la primera odontóloga que me causaría confianza y la perdida de el miedo, pues se tomo mas tiempo de el necesario no solo para atender mi tratamiento de conducto si no para charlar conmigo y educarme al respecto.

A few years later at the end of 2020 the pain returned, but this time it was not just 1, if not 3, it was then when I underwent a root canal treatment in 5 sessions 1 per week with who would be the first dentist who would cause me confidence and Loss of fear, because he took more time than necessary not only to attend my root canal treatment but to chat with me and educate me about it.

Radiografía Panoramica/Panoramic Radiography

Fue entonces así que comencé a perder el miedo pero, termino yéndose del pais y yo aun no me había retirado las muelas y luego volví a mudarme y pase por otros odontólogos hasta llegar con otra odontóloga quien me recomendaría un cirujano el Dr. Claudio Márquez quien fue el que se encargo de retirar mis 3 muelas.

It was then that I began to lose my fear but, I ended up leaving the country and I had not yet removed my teeth and then I moved again and went through other dentists until I arrived with another dentist who would recommend a surgeon, Dr. Claudio Márquez who was in charge of removing my 3 teeth.

Sala de Espera/Waiting Room

La primera vez que el Dr. Claudio Márquez me saco la primera muela una cordal no creí que las palabras estarás listo en 5 minutos serian tan literal, pues solo le tomo 5 minutos , creo que menos, sacar mi muela, la primera de 3, admito que tenia miedo pero ese miedo desapareció el mismo día, luego tan solo volví a casa guardar reposo para luego volver 2 semanas mas tarde para decirle adiós al dolor de las otras 2 muelas.

The first time that Dr. Claudio Márquez took out my first tooth ** a tailpiece ** I did not believe that the words you will be ready in 5 minutes would be so literal, because it only took 5 minutes, I think less, to remove My tooth, the first of 3, I admit that I was afraid but that fear disappeared the same day, then I just went home to rest and then come back 2 weeks later to say goodbye to the pain in the other 2 teeth.

Antes de la extracción/Before extraction

La segunda vez que fui, ya estaba mas tranquilo, entre al consultorio, salude al Dr. y en cuestión de minutos ya 2 muelas habían sido retiradas y con ello el fin de este dolor.

Cabe destacar que el Dr. siempre tuvo su ayudante al tanto de todo y quien me ayudaba a mantenerme calmado.

fue una buena experiencia y en comparación con la primera extracción de muelas, esta fue un pase por el jardín de niños.

The second time I went, I was calmer, I went into the office, greeted the Dr. and in a matter of minutes, 2 teeth had been removed and with it the end of this pain.

It should be noted that the Dr. always had his assistant aware of everything and who helped me stay calm.

It was a good experience and compared to the first tooth extraction this was a kindergarten pass.

AGRADECIMIENTOS: La Dra. que me lo recomendó y al Dr Claudio Márquez por tan excelente labor, sin exagerar no hubo ni el mas mínimo dolor durante todo el proceso, amabilidad y profesionalismo.

Gracias por leerme.

Thanks for reading me.



Hooray for no more tooth pain, I know how terrible it is to live with toothache and have bad dentist experiences. I too have had many troubles with my teeth, and a fear of the dentist, and the first dentist I went to for a tooth that had broken and become very painful and infected did a root canal that took six hours. The next dentist I went to was actually very good, and he took out my top two wisdom teeth very fast, no problems, like your quick experience, and I was so amazed at how easy it was! But then the next time I saw him just for a cleaning his hands were shaking while he worked, and that made me very nervous. I don't know if he had health problems and if so bless him, but I didn't want his shaking hands doing a drill on my teeth!
Then I saw a third dentist who was kind of a drug pusher and a jerk so I didn't go back to him, and finally I found my current dentist, who is awesome and has helped me a lot. I haven't seen him during the pandemic but I need to go back soon now that I've had my vaccine. It really makes a difference to find a good dentist!


Hello !!, I am glad that you have also been able to get rid of that pain, my root canal treatment helped me to gain confidence with the dentist who treated me because there were 5 sessions, one per week and thanks to her it was that I decided to lose my fear .


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