Letting Minimalism Play Out At Work


This week's KISS blogging seems to be an interesting one. Sharing those minimalist practices we carry out at our workplace.
Many times, we have the ideas or certain practices we come up with and would love to introduce at our workplace or even with our fellow workers or colleagues but most times how to present them or start seems to be the case or the problem.
But for a minimalist, there are ways we could apply these practices without having to be loud about it or make it seems like a disturbance to other people or even to ourselves if working alone.
And what are those minimalist practices I could introduce at my workplace?


  • Punctuality

Arriving at my workplace earlier than the usual time is something I would love to do and introducing this in my workplace means I have to be up with the tasks and start by showing examples. I should set my time right and learn to manage it well. Doing this would give me enough time to arrange myself and try to settle in before others start strolling in. It gives me balance and helps me start my day well.

  • Scale Of Preference

Inasmuch as I can multitask, I wouldn't want this to affect my work in any way, so I would rather prioritize my tasks, ticking the ones I should rather focus on and achieve first before others. Thereby sticking to my scale of preference, order of importance.
I will try as much as possible not to joggle between important tasks and other things that seem less important at my workplace.

  • Time Management

Knowing how best to manage my time keeps me sane. I don't have to abuse or misuse my time which tends to become frustrating later when I try to meet up with work and beat deadlines. So managing my time well is a practice I take very seriously. I create time for everything on my to-do list, each task has a time frame slated for it, and when that time frame elapses I focus on some other thing, and I don't let any work or task eat into another's time.

  • Taking Break Period

They say all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. And in this case, it makes me a dull lady. Amidst the tight schedules, work, or tasks lying before me, I create a break period for myself. Taking a minute or more off work and grabbing a cup of coffee or just stretching my body and getting ready to continue. This can help relax the mind and strengthen the body for more work or tasks to come.
During this every time at my workplace help reduce the stress of work and helps me remain stable.

There are other minimalist practices carried out at the workplace or that could be introduced at our workplaces and I am glad to have shared a few. What strategies do you apply in your workplace as a minimalist? What are those practices you carry out? You can share with us by joining the minimalist KISS blog challenge here


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

            13 September 2022


Hello @zanoz,

Good time management in the office really brings benefits and reduces stress. This is a great tool. Thanks for sharing.


Sure it is.
It's my pleasure!


Hello @zanoz

But for a minimalist, there are ways we could apply these practices without having to be loud about it or make it seems like a disturbance to other people or even to ourselves if working alone.

This is so very true!

You broke down these points in such a clear and concise way, and I have to agree with your perspective.

I never looked at punctuality in that light, yet it's one of the reasons why I place some much emphasis on being punctual for everything in my life.

I will try as much as possible not to joggle between important tasks and other things that seem less important at my workplace.

This was one of the hardest habits for me to break, simply because my entire life was centered around a stressful fast-paced job that required multitasking even when eating.
Now life is so much better, and I feel like assigning moments to each task according to priorities offers a more fulfilling feeling.

small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips


I am glad to hear that life is so much better for you now and you don't have to worry much about multitasking.
Multitasking may seem fun at the beginning but it's always stressful and sometimes we don't even realize what it does to our mental health.
So I am happy for you that everything did work out better in the long run for you.
