No law, no sin!



We all know that parable

Where there is no law, there is no sin

It is actually self explanatory, and so if we should look at organisation, every firms, every schools, every institution, everything country, just everything, we will see that there are these rules and regulations that guides, lead, protect an direct them to achieve what ever goals they have and to keep their motto valid!

If you even go to some homes, if not all homes, you will see that there are rules and regulations that guides that house or families, you will hear some that says things like

No oo, I can't let you come over to my house, my father is around, and even if he is not around, “we don't accept visitors in our house"

And so the person that is being told now understands, seeing reasons why they can't visit their friend, and the reason are the laied down rules, and so life continues...

I went to my church camp ground about 2 weeks ago, and so I met a lot of people, I networked and related well, and so as a photographer “professionally", there was this lady that was tall, I loved her height, colour and every I saw, and so I told her that I was a photographer, and I will love to use her for a project, and so she was like me?
After we talked to she was like hmm, I'm not sure it can work out, and I asked why I couldn't, and then she started by saying she is an introvert, and so she isn't really free outside her habitat, (I was like hmmm) then she went on by saying she doesn't leave her house, and she also doesn't accept visitors, and I asked, is it that you don't accept visitors or that your parent don't accept visitors and then she was like both...
Then I understood that while she was growing up, visitors were not accepted in her home, and so she grew up like that, which made a look inferior, she doesn't speak when others are, she's always participating when others are, unless it concerns her, and so I even went to meet her cause i do not like full moments, and so I went to ginger her spirit, and with time, she did blend in...

So the fact that she was an indoor person affected her public figure, she could be sharp inside, but she'd want to compose herself when she's outside, she can't even be the first ti begin a conversation with someone she doesn't know, and so to me,it's bad, it's not totally bad, but too much of it brings inferiority,
shyness, segregation, and so on like that...


And on the other hand, there are people that you will want to visit them, and then the first question you will ask is that, “is your daddy at home?"
And then the person or kind of people you are asking will just laugh at you, saying, why are you asking, are you scared? Even if he is at home, you are welcome, you can even feel at home...

And so to an extent, we can say these kind of people are known to be free, but then too much of that exposure will make some people to loose focus.
Those who are not focused in what they want to achive in their lifetime, too much of exposure can make you confused, cause you'd be drifted to see different things, and so it will affect you mentality, you could become greedy, saying you want all, and then gets confused and so join what you weren't supposed to join at the beginning...

So yeah, there is something like too much freedom, and at the same time, there is something like less freedom.
The truth is that the both of them have their advantages and also huge disadvantages...

And also, I believe the both of them could be managed well, I believe the both of them should be used wisely, there are times where, most especially children should be allowed to have their free wills, that children should be exposed, and at the same time, the are times where they should be restricted to do some things, they should be given boundaries, and the reasons for the boundaries should be well stated to their understanding, cause the children of nowadays wants to try those things that were told to them not to do, they want to see the manifestation in reality, and so if the reasons for your “DO NOT!" Is not valid in their ears, they will want to try it, and so when they see the repercussions, they will now serve as the example...

To conclude, do not let people under us to go through things we went through, the though things, so they can get to where they are going faster, way faster than we did...
Exposure is not bad, it could be watched and balanced.

PS: this post is dedicated to the Hivelearners Weekly Featured contest Week 60 edition 02


You’re right in managing them. Kids especially will always do what they’re advised not to do but if we’re allowed, we might just end up doing too many unnecessary stuff.

I guess both scenarios you gave is valid. The way we’re brought up really plays a big role in our lives and leaves a big mark.


Teach a child in the way he will grow, that when he grows, he won't depart from it...

Thanks for your time...


That very true. That Bible verse is? Please remind me😂. Can’t seem to remember my primary school Wednesday worship sessions 😅


Exposure is not bad, it could be watched and balanced.

This is a very insightful statement.
Parents should give some form of freedom to their children so they do not become too introverted so that if they should go to a place like a university where they will have all the freedom they so long desired, they won't go wild like lions.


Exactly, so many of them are waiting for them to enter the university so they can live like they want, not as they are told to...

Thanks for your time


I can you are right to some extent, people that are always caged inside don't really talk outside,not everyone though,that lady you are talking about is an example,it affected her growing up,it's really good not to cage children too much,a little freedom will do.


A little freedom will do...
Thanks for your time...
