Pakistan Govt intends to regularize crypto currency says Science and Technology Minister


Pakistan Federal Minister of Science and Technology Shibli Faraz said that government wants to regulate crypto Currency. He expressed his views while addressing at Pakistan first blockchain summit.

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Shibli Faraz said that Pakistan state bank and Security exchange commission is already working in this regard. Crypto is in news in Pakistan after dozen of companies scam of 100 Million USD. Minister He emphasized the importance of regulation to save common people from fraud. Better regulation will also help government to collect handsome tax.

Faraz added that adoption of blockchain technology in banking sector which will save billion of rupees. Faraz also believes that blockchain technology can make election process more transparent.

In my opinion, first blockchain summit is a good move it will help to create more awareness and open way of inducing modern technology in our life. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

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I’m impressed a country like Pakistan can adopt cryptocurrency in the first place , regulating it of course would not be a bad idea unlike my own country for example that won’t embrace cryptocurrency let alone regulating it .
