Your little step counts to achieve your goal

Hello lovely people of Hive and Leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, we all sets goal in our life. Goal is actually good for our personal growth. Seeking goal help you to motivate to do your best. Just imagine the tallest tree of the world started its journey from seed and than transformed in to plant and his continuous growth helped him to achieve this title. You need consistent efforts, dedication and determination to achiever your goal.



Goal can be easily completed, if you split your goals in to several steps. Completion of each steps give you motivation and boost your energy which make second chance much easier. There is no need to worry if you achieve a little in goal. You can split goal as small as you can.

In our part of the world there is famous saying "Katra Katra darya banta hai" meaning little drops of water make mighty ocean. So, this reveals that every single step is important to achieve your bigger goal.

Taking single step is just like climbing a huge building by stairs, you each step move you to the higher rank, which increase your self confidence and motivation level.

I have set goal of accumulating 10,000 HP before the end of 2023. Almost 39 months ago, I started from nothing in this amazing platform. I am glad that my consistent efforts have already helped me to reach close this target. So far, I have accumulated more than 9,670 HP. I required almost 330 HP in remaining 115 days. Hopefully I will achieve this goal well before time. It was consistent effort which helped me to reach near my targets. I hope my continuous effort and dedication will help me to achieve even a bigger goal in future.

If I can achieve my little goal, you can also achieve it. There is no need to worry if you didn't start it yet. Start from now. In order to achieve you goal all you need to show consistency, dedication and determination. Are you ready for setting goal in life. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.


All journeys how ever long start with the first small step. Each step takes us a bit closer to a goal
This applies to our crypto journey and our life as well


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Every little goals matters to achieve ones overall goal


It is a fact that if a person works hard to get small things in the same way, then he will definitely get it..If you change your life, it can't be like this at all.


I love the part where you said if we want to achieve our goals, we should split them in several steps so it won't get tiring pursuing a big goal and unable to achieve it for a very long time


This is an inspiring message about the importance of setting and achieving goals. Your dedication to accumulating 10,000 HP on Hive is commendable, and it's a testament to the power of consistent effort. The analogy of "little drops of water make a mighty ocean" is a reminder that even small steps contribute to significant progress. Keep up the good work, and may you reach your goal well before the deadline!
