Are you ignoring your mental noises?

Noises distract us. It's never healthy and productive to work in a noisy environment. This same thing also applies to our minds. Our brains come up with so many thoughts, imagination, negative thinking, false information that it's very counterproductive.



It's necessary to identify the noises of our brain. Because it leads to negative thinking and limits our productivity. Because of the amount of information our brain handles every single day, so we should give priority to identify and ignore brain noises.


Ask yourself and fact check. It's good to come with imagination. But there must be a line between productive thoughts and the non-productive one. Find out what thoughts are leading you to an unstable situation. Like false thinking about something bad about someone. Also, don't use the information immediately while thinking about it. Take your time to see if it's real if it's fit if it's true or harmful and then take your action.

Moreover, keep an eye on what distracting you, what makes you counterproductive. Your brain will tell you this or that. But we all know how impactful it will be if you go for each one. We need to fact check and depend on the most reliable thoughts. We need to learn to ignore the noises and go with only what makes sense. Yeah, listen to your heart but ignore the brain noises.
