Simplifying our home to feel less stressed - A happy life practice.


A simple life is better to improve peace of mind. But in modern days, there are many things which hold us back to live life simply. The time, effort and money we spend to manage different pieces of stuff take away our valuable time from life. Realizing we don't need this much stuff to live our life doesn't come easily. But once you think about the benefits you will understand it will help to make you feel less stressed in your daily life.


Environment makes a huge impact on our mental health. When we got less stuff to clean and maintain we will get more time for us to spend with friends, family or even with us. Also, different stuff will not make us overwhelmed that we have to do this or that. The order and cleanliness of our home will give us a calm and peaceful vibe. And thus will reduce stress passively.

Not only the meatal benefits but also we can't deny the financial and physical benefits of having a simple home. When we choose to buy less, we choose to have more financial freedom and money in our hands to spend on other stuff which can bring quality and meaning in our life.

These are just an example of what benefits we can get by simplifying our home. You can choose to be minimalist or just point out what you need to declutter your home in your own way. Don't feel pressure to do that. Adopt it gradually and I hope you will feel a lot of positive energy in your life.
