

"What is the dumbest thing you did as a kid ?" Please answer this in the comment section and get ready to laugh

I laughed so hard as I read the comments of different people who reacted to this question asked on a social media platform. It was really crazy. I laughed so hard that I fell from the chair I was sitting and tears even began dropping from my eyes.

It reminded me of my childhood and the crazy things I did. It also confirms the fact that dumbness is one of the characteristics of a child or childhood and everyone had that quality.

I did a lot of stupid and ridiculous things when I was a child, and prior to when I saw this thread on social media, I had felt I was the dumbest child in the world. After I read the experiences of other people, I realized that my case was nothing compared to those of others.

I will be sharing some dumb things people said they did as a child, and you'd be amused at how dumb we can be as children.

Ok the question - "What is the dumbest thing you did as a kid ?"

The first person did really funny things. He said he got expelled from creche because he was always fighting and beating other babies. Hehehehe. As I read this I laughed really hard. How would a baby that could barely talk be so troublesome that he was expelled from creche. Isn't that crazy ??

He also said that in his childhood, that he always fought goats. He said he fought a goat until he dislocated his shoulder. This one also really cracked me up. Can you imagine how crazy it will be to see a child and a goat fighting. What kind of child even fights a goat? It's just so crazy. I'm sure his mother would've have been asking what she had done to deserve such child.

Someone else said he put his hands in boiling water because he wanted to help his mum bring out the egg she was cooking for him. Kids and naiveness.

Someone said he used his mum's inhaler as perfume.
I won't lie, the only time I saw someone using an inhaler, I thought the person was crazy to have been spraying perfume in their mouth.

Someone said as a kid, he hid in his dad's car trunk because he said he wasn't going to take him out, and then woke up an hour later to realize that his dad went out with a different car. He was not even scared of suffocation. This one did not have sense.

This next one is something I can relate to because it happened to me as a child.

This person said he was playing hide-and-seek so he found a safe location to hide under the bed. He said he went to hide there and slept off. He said it was four hours later before he got out and trust that they beat the stupidity out of him. Me, I'm only thinking of how sweet and peaceful that sleep was for him to stay there that long.

Some other guy said his mum had asked him to prepare rice, 3 cups, for four people and it was his first time of cooking rice. He had thought the rice would not be 3nough and had brought out four plates, representing each of the four people to partake of the meal, filled each plate with raw Rice's he knew everyone would finish and then he proceeded to pour all into the pot to cook. The guy had no idea that raw rice rises on cooking. I can imagine them throwing a mini party that day due to excess food. And of course, him go collect.

I was a victim of that one too. I cooked more rice than I was asked to. And at the time, a cup of rice sold for #150, very expensive then. In addition to the deliverance my mum held on me that day, I was made to finish the rice, alone.

All through that week, it was me and rice; I ate bread with rice, if I belched, it was rice. If I drank water, I used rice to step it down. While people were seeing stars, I was seeing rice.

Kids these days are not that naughty, I guess. Because, if I remember how myself and my elder brother would sneak into one of the almost empty rooms at our house that had a faulty and insert a spoon into the switch while enjoying the vibration from the electric shock, if just go down on my knees in Thanksgiving.

Ok, so which amongst these different experiences was the dumbest, please rate the first three.
So how about you, what is the dumbest thing you did as a child ?



Lol. This is really funny and ridiculous. I like it, And it has sparked up a new idea in my head.

My childhood was also marked with a lot of craziness. I did a lot of dumb things too but the dumbest I can remember was when I hid in a refrigerator while I was playing hide-and-seek and the refrigerator refused to open.

I think the dumbest in your writing is the child that was expelled from creche. I actually didn't know that was possible. It's just too funny.

I saw you mentioned that you like my post and I really appreciate it.
I sincerely like yours too and it has even inspired me

Thanks alot


I have cooked a 3rice of rice with about 10 maggi before.
I could have sworn to myself then that the more the Maggi, the better the taste.
Little did I know that I was cooking hell😂
Dumb me was still bragging to my dad that I had cooked the food much more tastier than my moms own.
My Father unleashed hell on me.
Apart from almost killing him, wastage of resources was coupled with it why he was so angry.😂


He also said that in his childhood, that he always fought goats

😂😂this is hilarious.
Who fights goats?
This guy here had to be the dumbest in this category.

I think that cooking more food than one can consume is a common occurrence with many of us. Trust your Nigerian parent to bring he'll to earth that day😂


Too funny all the situations. In my case I think I wasn't so crazy, I made things up, but nothing out of the ordinary, maybe I wasn't as much of a child as I should have been?
Although mom has always reminded me of two anecdotes from when I was very young: one I was almost bitten by a dog because I wanted to kiss it on the mouth. They arrived in time to prevent me from disfiguring my face.
And the other was that after taking off my diaper, I didn't want to use the cup, I wanted to go straight to the bathroom, so one day I didn't give any warning and I went alone, sat down and fell into the toilet.


Hahahaha. This is so funny. Your experience was quite a crazy one. Thanks for sharing.


Inhaler as perfumes 🥺🥺 wonders shall never end, hiding near the bed and slept off🙃 this is ridiculous, the person need deliverance.
Lol 😂 continue eating the rice as you see rice instead of stars


Thanks for your kind comments. I'm happy you enjoyed it


Childhood memories were pretty fun and trust me I really miss been a kid where there is no responsibility of life on your shoulder as when you are a adult now
