Vivian Met Jesus Christ


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I was talking to Vivian one evening. She was bragging and telling me so much about a man that she has grown fond of. Knowing fully well that I wasn't a fan of such talks and gist, yet she kept on ranting; what I would call it.
She wouldn't just stop and in the middle of the conversation, I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to cut her short and initiate another topic of discussion.

I am more of a good listener so everything she said I took it all in without cutting in. But this time, I couldn't take it anymore so I interrupted but, she didn't even realize.
Suddenly we changed our topic of discussions and I was saved from all the rants my friend Vivian was making.

I called her attention to the new sketch I just made over the week, she liked it and of course, she always likes my sketches and appreciates them.
Little did she know that I wasn't really all interested in the sketches but I just needed something to cut short the story of her love life, she was telling me.

Soon it was already dinner time. I invited her for dinner and we ate to our satisfaction. Later I went to see her off.
But before she left, she promised to continue her love story the next day. I was almost devastated but she had no idea. I bid her goodbye and we departed to our different destination.

Vivian called me one morning and told me she needed to talk to me urgently. No! Actually, she asked me to accompany her to meet the man she has been talking and boasting of the other day.
She almost ruined my morning but since she was my friend, I had to wave it off.

She arrived at my house in the afternoon and I asked me to change into something good and dress well like I was about to meet up with an official. I couldn't say anything but followed instructions.

We were all set to leave. Vivian picked up her bag and we both left to meet the unknown person.
Surprisingly for me, she alighted at a known but very strange place. Vivian ushered me to walked into a building that looked more like a church. I was astonished and asked her why she wanted to meet a man in a church.

This is when Vivian smiled at me and told me everything about the man she was talking and boasting about the other day. Vivian explained how she met Jesus and she just couldn't keep it all to herself but wanted her friend to know about this wonderful man as well.


Brothers and sisters, what Vivian did in that story was a way of fulfilling the scripture; the word of God in

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Just like the disciples were asked to go into the world and preach to the people and bring them to Jesus Christ.
Vivian found Jesus Christ and she couldn't keep it all to herself, rather she told her friend about it.

This is what is required of us as children of God. We are to tell people about the Christ we know. Just like Vivian did. Let your friends, colleagues, business associate, neighbors, and even family members learn about the resurrected son of God.

I urge you this day to do like the word of God comes us. Go ye and make disciples of all nation, preach to the people and let Jesus Christ have a place in their lives.

Remain Blessed!

