The Funny Relationship Between Crypto and Pizza


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When it comes to the world of cryptocurrency, pizza holds a special place in the hearts of many enthusiasts. From the first recorded real-world Bitcoin transaction to the rise of non-fungible tokens, the intersection of crypto and pizza has provided many hilarious moments in the history of this digital asset class.

The first and perhaps most famous instance of crypto and pizza intersecting is the "Bitcoin pizza" incident of 2010. Back then, a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz decided to test the real-world use of Bitcoin by purchasing two Papa John's pizzas for 10,000 BTC. At the time, the value of Bitcoin was just a few cents, making the purchase worth around $30. Fast forward to today, and that same amount of Bitcoin is worth around $80 million. This incident is often cited as the first recorded real-world transaction using Bitcoin and serves as a humorous reminder of how far the value of Bitcoin has come since then.

Another example of crypto and pizza intersecting is the "Pizza Day" celebration, which takes place on May 22nd every year. On this day, crypto enthusiasts around the world come together to celebrate the anniversary of the first Bitcoin pizza purchase by buying their own pizzas and paying for them with Bitcoin. The event is a light-hearted way for the crypto community to come together and have fun while also promoting the use of Bitcoin in the real world.

In recent years, the intersection of crypto and pizza has taken on a new form with the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replicated, and they have been used to create all sorts of digital collectibles, including virtual pizza. One example is the "PizzaChain" project, which allows users to mint their own virtual pizzas and trade them on the blockchain. The project is a playful way to showcase the potential of NFTs and highlights the growing overlap between the worlds of crypto and gaming.

Pizza on Hive

Hive Blockchain has a project and token related to pizza -, with @thebeardflex being the PIZZA Gourmet Chef. The community focuses on bringing users to the Hive blockchain and building tools to make it a more user-friendly platform. The community recently executed a burn of over 1 million PIZZA tokens, worth roughly $100,000 at the current value, as part of their first successful year as a project on Hive. The community also has a growing witness ranking. The community also has a Discord server that plays a large role in bringing together its growing community, and has implemented additional roles, structure, and commands to facilitate this growth. Overall, the community is making significant contributions to the Hive blockchain and has exciting plans for the future.


The relationship between crypto and pizza is a funny one, filled with memorable moments and light-hearted celebrations. From the first recorded Bitcoin transaction to the rise of virtual pizzas, and now, this intersection of worlds serves as a reminder of the creativity and innovation that is possible with cryptocurrency. And who knows, maybe one day we will be able to buy real pizzas with crypto, making the whole process full circle.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Time flies but the memorable pizza remains. I need to check out the community and learn more about them. Is it different from the pizza tipping bot/token?


There is a lot more to the project than just tipping. Tipping is just the tip of the iceberg.


Really? Then I have some traveling to do beneath the surface. Glad I found the tip of the iceberg.


Now, i am wondering how purchasing a $30 worth of crypto today will be a good investment tomorrow. 😃

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