What they don't tell you after Halving


Today, that the clock is inexorably approaching the time of the Bitcoin Halving, I have been thinking a bit about the future of this cryptocurrency that has captured the attention of millions of people around the world, the $BTC (BitcoinBitcoin), and I think many heard the term or word Halving, and that, with the arrival of this day, the Crypto world would explode giving new historical highs or giving a higher revaluation of assets, whether Memecoins or Altcoins.

But, you know what to do when the clock reaches zero, there are only about 12 hours left until the Halving arrives, I say this at the time of writing the article, because you may be reading it at the time when the clock has reached zero, so here I will leave you some information on what to do after the Halving.


Image created in Canva

Table of contents for this article:

♦️ What is Bitcoin Halving.

♦️ Staying calm and HOLD.

♦️ Rethinking your portfolio - New diversification.

♦️ Watch the trend.

♦️ Continuous education.

♦️ The security of your assets continues.

What is Bitcoin Halving.

Halving is an event that occurs approximately every four years, halving the reward miners receive for validating transactions on the network, but what does this mean for us Bitcoin investors and enthusiasts, even if you are a small or large investor, it has an effect on us.

Let's take a look at the past, to compare a little bit what has happened in the previous Halving, and to have a clearer idea of the value that $BTC has taken from its beginnings, until today, only there you will understand better what the Halving is about and what is the impact that this has on the value of this cryptocurrency.



Comparative chart of previous Halvings in Bitcoin.

Date:November 28, 2012July 9, 2016May 11, 2020
Number of mined blocks:210.000420.000630.000
Reward per mined block:2512,56,25
Bitcoin value at start:12$663$8740$
100 days after halving:42$609$11950$
1 year after halving:964$2550$50476$
Date: April 20, 2024?.....



Keep calm and HODL

Yes, I know. Excitement is in the air, after looking at the comparative value in each of the halving rounds, you can deduce that $BTC throughout has increased in value incredibly.

The news headlines are full of bullish predictions and technical analysis. But you know what? Sometimes, the best strategy is to just stay calm and HODL (Hold On for Dear Life), don't get caught up in euphoria or fear. Halving is just one event on the road to Bitcoin's mass adoption. If you believe in its long-term potential, don't let price fluctuations sidetrack you.

Of course that does not apply to everyone, as I understand that many investors at this point are taking profits from a purchase they could have made 4 years ago, when the value of Bitcoin was lower, it all depends on the strategy of each one, but if you look at the examples shared above, you will realize that the future of Bitcoin will be great, with a very large value, but it is always good to analyze everything before making your decisions.



Rethinking your portfolio - New diversification.

Diversification is key in any investment portfolio, I have always said this in my articles where I explain the subject of diversification and the creation of portfolios, where I explain what are the points to take into account when creating your Crypto portfolio.

You may be interested:

♦️ A great way to diversify your digital assets for this 2024 (Crypto portfolio building tool)

♦️ I have gone from $10 to $80 with my cryptocurrency portfolio (A good diversification).

After Halving, consider diversifying your assets, but at this moment the market will have a different value, so you have to make some adjustments, analyze the new value of your assets and see which is your most profitable option, explore other cryptocurrencies or even traditional assets. But keep in mind that not all cryptocurrencies are the same. Do your research, understand their use cases and evaluate their potential before investing, and if you believe that the assets you have in your portfolio have good fundamentals, then don't change anda, and continue to HOLD.



Watch the trend

After the Halving, it is likely that we will see a temporary volatility, or the value may not increase at the moment, and after 100 days the market will increase noticeably, remember that the fact that the Halving is active in a few hours, does not mean that everything will increase in value in 24 hours, it does not work like that.

Some investors may panic and sell at the beginning. Others may take the opportunity to buy more. Watch the trend. While pullbacks are normal, so are rallies. Don't get caught up in the market noise.



Continuous education

The world of cryptocurrencies is dynamic and constantly evolving or changing, so you have to be aware at all times, learn, inform yourself every day so you do not fall behind in trends, because everything here is so fast that sometimes we let go of buying opportunities in just 2 hours hahaha, everything here is fast, unpredictable and that's why I tell you to always be aware of the news.

Take advantage of this moment to keep learning. Read books, follow experts on Twitter, join communities, and in this case, continue reading the great content creators that every day give us useful information here at Inleo. The more you know, the better, so you can make informed decisions.


Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay

The security of your assets continues.

Halving can attract the attention of cybercriminals, make sure your coins are safely stored in a cold wallet or hardware wallet, do not be fooled by the typical notifications or private messages where they tell you: For BITCOIN Halving reasons we will be giving you a special Drop of 1000$ in BTC, go here to claim your reward!

This is 100% FALSE....

Do not share your private keys with anyone. Security is paramount, a simple click on a malicious link can give you a hard time, so be careful with this.

Bitcoin's Halving is an important milestone in its history, but it is not the end of the road. Keep the long view, keep learning, and above all, enjoy the journey. We are at an exciting time, and I am grateful to share it with all of you, as I know it will help you have a clearer vision or idea of what to do after the Halving.

Thank you for reaching the end of this article, I hope you have a happy day and remember to leave your opinion in the comments, it will be interesting to discuss this topic with you.

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English is not my native language, so I have used Hive Translator...

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The source of your Bitcoin clock is a bit outdated 😄



Let's just say the clock is a bit behind and the watch battery is not working well hahaha.

Notice what you mention is interesting, pus I consulted the following for information: History of Bitcoin halving dates.

What is the source you consulted? thanks for commenting my friend, it is really important to be able to verify the information.

Thanks for leaving your comment and I hope you have a great day.


Although, now that I look at it, I believe that according to the image you show and the comparative table I have added in the article, it is just as you show it in your image.

There I indicate that for the year 2016 the reduction was to 12.5, and for the year 2020 I have also placed that the reduction was to only 6.25.

It is just what I have placed right? hahaha now I got confused, but sung from my point of view, the image you placed in your comment shows just what I have added in my post.
