Digital painting... #143-2


Digital paintings... (3D art #143-2)

Hello friends,

Hope you are doing well :)
Today's painting is a little different from the paintings of the past. The result of today's work is different from what I had in mind and I can say that it is not at all similar to what I wanted to be ...
Of course, I am happy about this, and I am completely satisfied with the result of my work ... and I can do what I had in mind in the next painting!
Using new colors, different lighting, and choosing a new angle of the camera are the things that make this painting different ...
I am now preparing and sharing photos of my painting process with you, I hope you like ...
Here is my painting:


and some steps of it to show you the process:

Screenshot (4450).png

Screenshot (4449).png

Screenshot (4448).png

Screenshot (4447).png

Screenshot (4446).png

Screenshot (4445).png

Screenshot (4444).png

Screenshot (4440).png

Screenshot (4441).png

Screenshot (4442).png

Screenshot (4443).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈
