Digital painting... #145-2


Digital paintings... (3D art #145-2)

Hello friends,

Hope you are doing well :)
It's time to share my new painting, shapes, glass spheres, colors, shadows, reflections ... and these are the things that can be seen in my paintings ...
my thoughts during doing this painting: We have all lost precious things in our lives and regretted them for a long time ... sometimes we miss someone or something, sometimes we wish that time goes back to the past ... but nothing will change! We are the ones who get used to new ones ...
We get used to not having what we had ... and this is not a pleasant thing ... nothing in this world is permanent, so It is better not to depend on anything or anyone in this world, this is the only way to live better...
Here is my painting:


and some steps of it to show you the process:

Screenshot (4477).png

Screenshot (4476).png

Screenshot (4475).png

Screenshot (4474).png

Screenshot (4473).png

Screenshot (4472).png

Screenshot (4471).png

Screenshot (4470).png

Screenshot (4464).png

Screenshot (4466).png

Screenshot (4468).png

Screenshot (4469).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈
