Digital paintings... (3D art #838)

Digital paintings... (3D art #838)

Hello friends,

This is my new art for today, a face created on ZBrush...
I hope you like it...
Remember that the key is consistency rather than perfection. Even if you only have a short amount of time each day to dedicate to digital painting, it's important to make it a habit. Over time, this consistent practice will lead to noticeable improvement in your skills and artistic development...

The result of today's painting:

new838 (1).jpg

Some pictures of paintings process :

Screenshot (10501).png

Screenshot (10500).png

Screenshot (10499).png

Screenshot (10498).png

Screenshot (10497).png

Screenshot (10496).png

Screenshot (10495).png

Screenshot (10494).png

Screenshot (10492).png

Screenshot (10493).png

Stay Safe..
