hello black and white community friends this is my entry for the #monomad challenge

How are you? Hopefully in good health and get ease in all things.

Mushroom hunting at the end of the season
it rained in one of the sago gardens owned by local residents, in the sago gardens there must have been a lot of sago palm midribs that had been cut and left to rot without being burned, a place like this became one of my hunting targets, of course I saw one frond that AURICULARIA DELICATA or what we usually call fish tissue fungus, this fungus often grows in the rainy season and damp places, for example like piles of leaves, and piles of midribs that have when cut, at the end of the rainy season there are still a lot of these mushrooms growing in places like that, this type of mushroom includes mushrooms that are safe for consumption, have a very good taste and soft texture.

  • Today you are nothing, but your attitude and hard work determines who you really are

    I would like to say a big thank you to all the dignitaries of the black and white community who have given us a place to share our hunting photos here, this is the best place for us who like black and white photos. #

    all pictures in photo by @zulfahmi0221

    keep support and follow me @zulfahmi0221 to give the best pictures

    CameraPOCO X3 Pro
    LocationNorth Aceh.Indonesia

    Greetings to all of you who love photography


see you in the next post
