923 - The Pope Visiting Washington D.C. Before we have learned about the Golden ...


... Gate and its relationship to the ecliptic position 266°, Pope Francis being the Golden Gate pope 266 and September 23rd (239/923), which is the 266th day of the year, connecting to the Gematria value 239 for "Golden Gate".

Today we will focus on the number 923, September 23rd, the way it is read in the USA. We begin with the Pope's visit to the USA in 2015.

After a few days in Cuba, Pope Francis landed in the US on 9/22/15. This was exactly 923 days after 3/13/13, the day Pope Francis was (s)elected. Rememer how 3/13/13 in prime numbers is 2/6/6 and that he was born with the sun at 266° of the ecliptic.

One day later, on September 23rd, the 266th day of the year, reading 9/23, he had a welcoming ceremony speech in Washington D.C. with acting president Barack Obama.

He approached the podium at exactly 9:23 am in the morning. Everything was perfectly organized to fit the numbers and point out the Golden Gate symbolism.

In the next post we will learn about the four bloodmoon tetrad and how it perfectly connects to the Pope's visit in the US - as well as to the Golden Gate.


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