Aug. 9, 22: Routine, ZombieRun, Oculus, A Movie, TV, and Games



[Not exactly sure what my deal is this morning, but I’ve been at about level seven stress since I woke up this morning…I guess Fall semester is starting to weigh on me and I got a response (after a week) to my request for a syllabus and calendar saying “ask someone else” 🤬 they shouldn’t be the lead faculty if they don’t want to help anyone…and I got two more sellouts in the SOL market. I guess it’s good to take a little pressure off the VP, which is sliding and also stressing me out, but it doesn’t make me feel too good having people dump and having to buy back my own tokens…while Chrono was one 2% vote, his tokens have already been split into two one percent votes plus a couple five percent, another sucky consequence of a large holder bailing. I mean, it still does what it says on the tin; I haven’t broken a single promise and I’ve stuck to my word, I just can’t make people buy the token and five thousand bucks isn’t going to go very far, so I’m kind of pinned. Anyways, I don’t really feel like doing this post (or much of anything at the moment, actually) but it seems like I’m going for it regardless.]

Slept from nine thirty until five, but truth be told, it was pretty broken sleep. 😭 Ended up a solid two hours short (which luckily isn’t so frequent nowadays) and I really dragged hard after lunch…made it through without crashing, but only barely, and I didn’t accomplish much of anything. 😡

Not a lot to note about the usual morning routine. Cryptos are still range-bound and trading sideways, so not much interesting other than a couple of percent to one side or the other for like ever now. Otherwise, just the normal stuff.

I suppose one noteworthy thing was that SPK launched the new staking and delegation functions. 🤑 I’ve been claiming my LARYNX monthly (because why not, got some coming) but I’m not running a node or anything, so they didn’t have much use to me. Pizza is involved as a witness, though, and I was able to (hopefully) put my tokens to work.


Worked on my post for the day and then the internet went out. I was intending on attending the weekly PIMP meeting and I was in and out of the server, but Witty was busy and it seemed like we weren’t really meeting. I think they did for a while, but I headed out for a Zombierun (and didn’t have internet anyway).

I set the zombie mission for five kilometers but put in a solid six:




Not too many zombies out today, which was fine. I did get a fifty meter warning on the second one, but got away. A good exercise in the books and mission completed. 💪


A bit cooler today than it has been and I did stick with long pants, but the humidity made up for it.



Got a shower and some lunch after I got back and then started to hit the wall; mild, but still, started to slow down. I tried to fight it, and was partially successful in that I didn’t crash, but I just played Quest instead. (I knew that was going to be a distraction. 😡)

I didn’t really play that long, though. The level I was working on had a section that I had to do several times riding up an elevator (faster than lava is rising) and the motion kind of got to me. 😢

Quit out feeling a bit woozy and then started to feel bad that I hadn’t done any work. The internet came back shortly after noon, so I didn’t have that excuse any more at all, but I hit the wall hard. Like eyes rolling ready to take a nap right now kind of hard.

I gave into it and laid down, but I was hoping to make it through without crashing and didn’t put on something mindless and close my eyes. Instead I decided that I’d watch the new Predator movie: Prey, since Wenche wasn’t interested in watching it.

It was moderately entertaining and it did keep me awake until the end, so I’ll give it that, but the “girl power” was absolutely in your face from the first second of the movie and it didn’t let up at all.

I mean, we started with a friggin’ massive Arnold Schwarzenegger having a tough time defeating one with guns and all the rest of it, now it takes a teenage girl with a hatchet 🪓 on a rope. 🤬 Whole teams of men with muzzleloaders? Toast. Tomboy chick? Takes out like five of them in thirty seconds and become chief by surviving the Predator and defeating it, supposedly because it underestimated her. Um, k. It was so bad and so in your face that it was distracting from the action…very poor filmmaking.

When Wenche got home we made turkey tacos for dinner and then watched some Solar Opposites until bedtime.

Well, don’t ask me what the heck is going on with dShitty. 🤷 My stated income shot up by forty-three and is positive for once, but it doesn’t seem to have made any difference; still only got the obligatory eleven SIM for the day. 😡




I remembered to go in on Rising Star a couple of times today. 😮 My Ego was at one percent, so I did another lesson, got it back to zero and was able to get back to missions again.


One more day of playing the waiting game on HashKings. We’ll see how long it takes me before I get around to harvesting and replanting this time…last time it was nearly a week, so hopefully I’ll get on it sooner this go round.




Played some Splinterlands this evening. Got a couple Focus chests lined up, but I’m still disappointed that I’ve barely even moved in the ranks since the reset. 🤬 I haven’t been playing as much, but certainly more than last season by this time…could have maybe saved myself some trouble and just waited.



Claimed my SPS interest, but didn’t stake it. Been letting a bit accrue the last couple days to see if I can swap a little out and try to clean up the SOL market a bit. 😢 Not too bad, though, I do have to remind myself that it’s basically free money on top of free money and I shouldn’t necessarily cling to it so desirously…

Speaking of clinging desirously, I still haven’t sold any of the vouchers I moved out to the market. Not really bringing in the chunk of change they once were.

Got my stats for the last week again today. Very proud to see those green arrows across the board, but I suppose it isn’t surprising considering I’ve been putting forward a concerted effort to be more active. The improvement in sleep is a happy byproduct, but I just need it to go up by a little more.


Average Last 7 Days: 13,441

Lifetime Average: 14,778

10k per Day Streak: 12


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 870.21 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 422
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 233
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 2/2

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 88%
Satisfaction: 84%
Energy: 87%
Productivity: 75%




Rising Star






Pi Cloud Mining






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Power up and Hive on!
