The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

Outer Space 10 serie 37 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


It's fun, of course looking up at the sky through the airplane window when the sun will sink, resulting in an amazing burst of color.


You are the light of my eyes, the reason of my existence. With you I feel like flying, I feel I own a spaceship. I am addicted to you, to your dreams so high and to your way of smiling. You are the intensity of my colors, to be by your side everything looks more abstract and original.

Posted using Partiko Android


A giant suction blower is ready to suck the energy source from nature. The energy sources chosen are those based on solar radiation. This is intended to reduce the level of ultra violet entering the Earth's atmosphere. a striving for scientists in order to reduce the speed of global warming.
With this tool, it can reduce the temperature rise on earth. Because if no serious effort is made, the earth will rise to a temperature of 0.6 degrees Celsius every year. Moreover, now the existence of the forest has diminished. In fact, everyone knows that forests have a large role in absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen. Reduced forests as the lungs of the world due to occupation by humans for various needs. Therefore scientists develop super-modern technology to overcome global warming.
And the result is a tool that can absorb the caloric energy and various elements emitted by the army so that when the Earth's atmosphere is not too dangerous. This method is also used to keep the ozone hole from getting bigger.
Thank you @xpilar.
Warm regard from Indonesia


Hello @xpilar
this is really beautiful digital art my friend.
it is looks like the alien ship. the red sky is looks like another planet.
your imagination power is really awesome. good work my friend.


Seeing from the image you are posting shows an object in space in the form of a hole, the hole can suck objects that are around it and objects that pass nearby. The hole can suck the earth's gravity, bright sunlight will make it dim and even planets can be pulled nearby. this hole with a very strong pull and its size when viewed directly larger than the earth. Your digital image is like the shape of a black hole that was discovered and examined by western scientists (JHON MITCHELL) in 1783.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi, @xpilar


Por primera vez saldría en una misión de exploración planetaria. Frente al túnel de salida del hangar de la nave, observaba el horizonte naranja de aquel planeta, se trataba un gigante gaseoso, su estructura estaba formada por capas y capas de gases a diferentes presiones y temperaturas, probablemente sin un núcleo rocoso, sólo hidrógeno y algo de helio más y más densos, hasta prácticamente hacerse sólidos.

Un mundo inmisericorde, despiadado, que destruiría, triturando hasta la convertir en algo así como un pedazo de papel hecho bola, a cualquier nave que se aventurara a penetrar su eterna atmósfera. Sólo con la ayuda de deflectores, es posible incursionar en sus adentros; capaces de repeler cualquier forma de materia que se aproxime a más de dos milímetros y de generar la suficiente presión negativa para evitar que la nave colapse, evitando así la desgracia, de lo contrario cualquier tipo de material seria triturado.

La señan de la IA de la nave principal indicaba que este era el sitio donde debíamos descender, justo sobre una tormenta donde intensos relámpagos plagaban el cielo, saltando de las nubes superiores a las inferiores, como si de infinidad de hilos de adhesivo, en dos trozos de madera pegados y separados se tratara.

En fundado en mi cápsula EVA, una especie de robot antropomorfo, con una gigantesca cabeza en lugar de torso, en cuyo interior me encontraba yo sentado, cubierto por una gran burbuja de polímero transparente que me da un rango de visión de ciento ochenta grados. Avance con firme pasos hasta el borde de la rampa de salida, que daba a la boca del túnel del hangar y me dejé caer, deslizándome como por una resbaladilla hasta salir a la atmósfera.

Fuera de la nave, la IA encendió el campo antigravitón y los propulsores electromagnéticos, que me ayudarían a desplazarme en medio de las densas capas de nubes. Junto a mí, otros siete exploradores y diez drones recolectores de muestras, conformaban el grupo. Empezamos a descender y las nubes a hacerse cada vez más gruesas y extrañas, hasta parecer estar volando en medio de un tipo de jarabe o potingue espeso y oscuro.

La visión normal era inservible aquí, sensores laser permitían ubicar donde estaban los otros integrantes de la misión y evitar así chocar unos con otros, lo que, si bien no hubiera resultado peligroso, si hubiese sido bastante molesto.

Casi diez horas después de haber iniciado, llegamos al destino, en una de las capas más profundas del planeta la que recubría su posible núcleo sólido, se trata de la capa de hidrógeno metálico, una forma de este gas, comprimida tan intensamente que se comporta como un conductor de la electricidad, más allá de este punto no podríamos seguir avanzando, nuestros propulsores electromagnéticos no lo hubiesen permitido.

Los drones equipados con contenedores específicamente diseñados empezaron a tomar muestras de los gases alrededor de esta región, y de la capa de hidrógeno metálico misma. Mientras tanto, los exploradores nos situamos formando un octágono, separados unos veinte metros uno del otro, con el fin de iniciar el rastreo del núcleo del planeta, emitiendo ondas direccionadas al centro del mismo esperando recibir el rebote de las mismas en la región sólida central, después de casi dos horas empezamos a percibir las lecturas.

El planeta tenia un núcleo sólido, formado por carbono puro, comprimido por las altas presiones y temperaturas hasta cristalizarse, era un diamante de varios cientos de miles de toneladas. En otro tiempo el sueño de un joyero, este material, mas común hoy de lo que muchos quisieran, era esencial para la construcción de los filamentos usados en la industria de la construcción de superestructuras como puentes y túneles de vacío para hipertrenes.

Sin embargo, en este planeta, se trataba sólo de una curiosidad, su extracción sería injustificada, habiendo sitios donde la operación sería más sencilla y menos riesgosa. Sin embargo, resultaba interesante encontrar un núcleo planetario de carbono, algo común en los planetas de metano, donde predomina este elemento; en un gigante gaseoso, donde lo común son los núcleos rocosos de silicatos.


For the first time I'd be on a planetary exploration mission. In front of the exit tunnel of the ship's hangar, I observed the orange horizon of that planet, it was a gas giant, its structure was formed by layers and layers of gases at different pressures and temperatures, probably without a rocky nucleus, only hydrogen and some helium denser and denser, until it practically became solid.

A merciless, merciless world that would destroy, shredding into something like a piece of paper made ball, any ship that ventured to penetrate its eternal atmosphere. Only with the help of deflectors is it possible to penetrate inside them; capable of repelling any form of matter approaching more than two millimetres and of generating enough negative pressure to prevent the ship from collapsing, thus avoiding misfortune, otherwise any type of material would be crushed.

The sign of the IA of the main ship indicated that this was the place where we had to descend, just above a storm where intense lightning plagued the sky, jumping from the upper to the lower clouds, as if from infinity of adhesive threads, in two pieces of wood glued together and separated.

Based on my EVA capsule, a kind of anthropomorphic robot, with a gigantic head instead of a torso, inside of which I was sitting, covered by a large bubble of transparent polymer that gives me a range of vision of one hundred and eighty degrees. I steadily advanced to the edge of the exit ramp, which led to the mouth of the hangar tunnel, and dropped, slipping like a slide into the atmosphere.

Outside the spacecraft, the AI ignited the antigraviton field and the electromagnetic thrusters, which would help me move through the dense layers of clouds. Along with me, seven other explorers and ten sample-collecting drones made up the group. We began to descend and the clouds became thicker and stranger and stranger, until they seemed to be flying in the middle of a thick, dark type of syrup or potingue.

The normal vision was useless here, laser sensors allowed us to locate where the other members of the mission were and avoid colliding with each other, which, although it wouldn't have been dangerous, if it had been annoying enough.

Almost ten hours after starting, we arrived at our destination, in one of the deepest layers of the planet which covered its possible solid nucleus, it is the layer of metallic hydrogen, a form of this gas, compressed so intensely that it behaves like an electricity conductor, beyond this point we could not continue advancing, our electromagnetic propellants would not have allowed it.

The drones equipped with specifically designed containers began to take samples of the gases around this region, and of the metal hydrogen layer itself. Meanwhile, the explorers placed ourselves forming an octagon, separated about twenty meters one from the other, in order to initiate the tracking of the nucleus of the planet, emitting waves directed to the center of the same waiting to receive the rebound of the same in the central solid region, after almost two hours we began to perceive the readings.

The planet had a solid nucleus, formed by pure carbon, compressed by the high pressures and temperatures until crystallizing, it was a diamond of several hundreds of thousands of tons. Once the dream of a jeweler, this material, more common today than many would like, was essential for the construction of filaments used in the construction industry of superstructures such as bridges and vacuum tunnels for hypertrains.

However, on this planet, it was just a curiosity, its extraction would be unjustified, there being places where the operation would be simpler and less risky. However, it was interesting to find a planetary nucleus of carbon, something common in methane planets, where this element predominates; in a gas giant, where the common thing are the rocky nuclei of silicates.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story is to your liking


A risky trip.

One day Daniel had to make a very important business trip for his career, it was a trip to another country, he got on the plane, and he noticed that his traveling companion was a very nice and simple woman, everything went smoothly Daniel and his companion Travel conversations were pleasant, already in the air turbulences followed ruined the tranquility of the trip, anxiety and tension was felt in all passengers suddenly small isolated explosions sounded making the situation became much more tense.
The passengers ran from one side to another between them Daniel and the girl ... They came to the end of the plane and thus saw open circular windows, the glass that protected them had exploded, they could see through these windows the sunset of the day.


This couple knew they had no more chances to survive and with a parachute they made the most difficult and risky decision of their life, they threw themselves out the window.
They threw themselves embraced and flying through the air, fortunately the parachute worked perfectly, many passengers ventured and lived an extraordinary experience and saved their lives.
Daniel's business trip became the most risky and adrenaline-fueled trip of his entire life.


Hello @xpilar, through the hoop you can see the horizon where you glimpse a new dawn full of new adventures and emotions.


All countries are competing to develop space technology, one country with another country claims that they are more advanced in terms of space technology. There are also countries that collaborate in developing space technology.

Even some countries allocate funds for the development of enormous space technology. All of this they do to be the foremost and the best in reaching space.

Now, what is the connection between my explanation and the image of @xpilar?
A technology or the discovery of a technology or the development of a technology begins with imagination, the imagination is well expressed in the form of images or in the form of videos and films.

And I'm sure one day the imagination of @xpilar image will become a reality. Because we all don't know the future. Just like we used to think that smartphones only exist in fiction films. But it turns out now that the smartphone is in our hands.


Hello sir xpilar. nice to meet you again. in a few days I was late visiting your posts. This is because I have been very busy these past few days. I really like the digital images that you display. especially from the color. That's why I always like your digital images.

today you are displaying digital images. and in my opinion your digital image is very good to describe. I think your digital image shows that to live in the world must choose the right path. that is the way that gives good to others.

when someone chooses the wrong path, he will perish. he cannot live peacefully in this world. the wrong way will make him feel miserable. and the wrong path will lead someone to hell. This is just my description of the digital image you are displaying.

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