Beer and Nachos


I don’t post about cooking that often, but I love to cook. Maybe I’ll start posting more recipes. However, if you follow me you know I love to drink. So why not combine the two for this post!

Tonight I’m drinking a black IPA and making Korean nachos. O Captain! My Captain! Is a beautiful beer. It pours dark with a nice off white head. It’s aromatic with subtle chocolate and malt aromas.

The taste is floral with malt and roasted notes. It’s pairs well with richer food because it slightly bitter. It’s also the perfect beer to sip on while you cut vegetables for the nachos.

So you may ask yourself what are Korean nachos? Instead of Mexican seasoned beef we switched it up and made some Korean Beef.

It’s fairly simple so mix the following ingredients:

2 tablespoons light brown sugar, packed
2 tablespoons reduced sodium soy sauce
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1/4 teaspoon crushed red-pepper flakes, or more to taste
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, minced

Then pour it over ground beef and let it marinade for a while. When ready sauté over medium heat until cooked. Spread that over chips with a little red onion and bake at 350F until chips are browned.


Cut up red onion, green onion, kimchi, cilantro, and carrots. Place the assorted virgins on nachos. Then drizzle spicy mayo and sour cream to taste. Then top with a fried egg and sesame seeds.


Last and most importantly, pop a second beer and enjoy those nachos!


That looks delicious! Like something you would expect to find from a gastro pub! Very nice! That beer looks pretty great too. Do you find it harder to drink dark beers as the weather warms up?


Thanks man. Yes, I normally leave the darker beers in the cellar once the weather warms up. However, with the quarantine in drinking what I already have.


"And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."(Mark 1:15)

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