Big Brother Season 22 All Stars Episode 11 Recap and Thoughts


We got to see the conclusion of Thursday's HOH, two new players hit the block and the house obsesses over the two rogue votes.

Damn that was a drawn out HOH competition. Who at CBS thought we wanted to see houseguests rolling balls for half the episode? It would be more exciting to decide the HOH by random draw. In the end Enzo takes the crown and promises to "bathe in blood", something he promptly didn't do.

Easily the weakest nominations of the season. Enzo took the easy way out tonight and in fact was not ready to "bathe in blood". I'm not surprised to see Kaysar on the block but Kevin has to be the safest person to toss on the block possible. Seems strange that Kaysar is public enemy number one and that absolutely no one is willing to work with him.

Lastly lets talk about those rogue votes. Dani is playing a dangerous game that is going to blow up on her at some point. Its always suspicious when someone is immediately trying to redirect the blame onto someone else when it comes to votes. On top of that she's been trying to plant seeds of doubt about her alliance members. People are slowly catching on and it will quickly makes her expendable.

That's it for tonight, I'll be back on Wednesday for the veto episode.
