Incredible Chart shows how 5% BTC and 95% Cash outperforms stocks on Risk AND return, every year past 6 years, according toPlan B @100TrillionUSD on Twitter + @reverendrum and @battleaxe will become ASS dolphins soon.


Check out this tweet about how 5% BTC and 95% Cash outperforms stocks on risk AND return, every year past 6 years. By PlanB @100trillionusd or @planb @onehundredtrillionusd I guess since steem accounts dont have numbers.

I hope you all realize what this means

Oh and make sure you check out where your memes make dream and your dreams take wing

Im making @battleaxe and @reverendrum official ass token curators.

Since I have not yet enabled delegation, Im going to stake them more ASS so they can give it out easier

heres 9000 ASS staked to @reverendrum

and now his account looks like this! $12 + worth of ASSpower

This tool by @blockchainstudio lets us see

And @battleaxe gets 9000 ASS power staked

You can see her new stake here

I trust such a long time steemians wont unstake and will hold these tokens, since ya know, price is already so low, and i feel it can only go up from well, a bottom of maybe a little lower than now.

Im also giving them 10 dogeP each

So they can give out some doge if they want, to new users, and I will even give them a few steem account signup links when is back up online soon :)

Basically, Its going to be worth it to hold these and just use them to upvote with, and maybe sell in a year, instead of trying to sell now for 0.001 STEEM per 1 ass... I can get it up to at LEAST 0.01 after i airdrop, hand out a few hundred accounts, spend money on marketing, and of course I will even place some buy orders to help people cashout at a higher price than what people are buying it for. So wait until the end of the year until you sell any AS. You never know who might come in and buy it ;)

i will be placing buy orders at 0.001 steem for a few steem everyday, im holding that ass price up, but i need to let it fall to allow others to invest at a CHEAP price.

I will also be selling a few large chunks of ASS in 100,000 Stakes of powered up ASS token. Name your price. Stakes include a bag of doge and some Invite codes to help onboard new users :)

Come chat at discord


Nice start of the ASS expansion.
I will look forward to buy some more in the future.
For now official curators just giving not so much upvote, which is really low for curating good content. Maybe you should delegate more for them or just make some changes in ass rewards?


yeah I can't uv everyone a lot on that to be honest and my own posts on there am trying to grow...... work in progress


I am completely new in this world of Crypto and trying to understand through all the different post that I am coming across. Thank you for sharing the information.
