Supporting art #609


Welcome to our artistic curation #609

The selection of the best artistic content of the Hive blockchain for your enjoyment

Our contribution is based on the curation of artistic content under the concept of social curation; that which adds value to the author's contribution using the constructive criticism offered in the comments of our curators.

This format allows us to reward artists with crypto currencies and contribute to improving the quality of the content in the Hive blockchain.

We carry out this curatorial work in Spanish and English with publications belonging to the following categories:

  • Plastic, visual and scenic arts
  • Literature
  • Music

Cuento inverso de hadas: La decisión de la princesa (Relato corto)


A very well-directed story that ends in a transgression of convention and tradition. Undoubtedly, closer to Joan of Arc than to a Sleeping Beauty.

Curated by @josemalavem

The Great Dictator: la valentía de Charles Chaplin


Magnificent review of a film that is undoubtedly one of Chaplins best -in irony, humor, acting and conception-, and truly a jewel of universal cinema. Thank you for remembering it
in this time when authoritarianism was unleashed.

Curated by @josemalavem

3 Canciones de mi adolescencia | 3 Songs from my teenage years


Very interesting and enjoyable account of your life and its relationship with music, in particular with these early songs that marked the first years of your inclination and development as a musician.

Curated by @josemalavem

ALMA DESNUDA/Poema original


A delicate, suggestive and very interesting poem, because it metaphorizes well the freedom of the spirit, in life or in the imagined death.

Curated by @josemalavem

Macro landscape Moss photography battery - Batería de fotografías paisaje macro- Musgo


Excellent macro shots of those facets of nature that our eyes normally cannot capture in their almost secret beauty.

Curated by @josemalavem

Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 67 - ✨122 HIVE in the Prize Pool!


Very attractive and pleasing to the eye your collage for the contest promoted by @shaka. It manages to transform the house of the initial image into a completely different reality, with an almost surreal touch.

Curated by @josemalavem

Unos segundos en la cabeza de alguien más - Flash 2


A very good account of life, which wisely captures the problematic thoughts of someone who is considering his future after graduation.

Curated by @josemalavem

Hive Open Mic Week #44 - "Se me va la Voz “ Alejandro Fernandez Cover by @josesalazar200


Good interpretation, in voice and rhythm, of that well-known song about lost love.

Curated by @josemalavem

Drowning @Makersplace


Very good drawing; even though it is about a dramatic scene, it is full of life with your use of colors. I remembered the voluntary death by immersion of two great writers, Virginia Woolf and Alfonsina Storni.

Curated by @josemalavem

Plateada y redonda - Relato


Very good story with a strong psychological tone, which, in the midst of a certain strangeness and confusion, feeds the tension in the reader, until it becomes "clearer" towards its denouement.

Curated by @josemalavem

The articles exhibited in this selection do not belong to us, our intention is to expose the best content and account for our curing work.

Join our DISCORD server and our COMMUNITY to answer all your questions, meet other artists and receive more votes.


