China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-09-04


English news:

Uighur Muslim teacher tells of forced sterilisation in Xinjiang

"In 2017, Sidik was 47 and her only daughter was at university when local officials insisted she must have an IUD inserted to prevent the unlikely prospect of another pregnancy. Just over two years later, at 50, she was forced to undergo sterilisation."

--- Seems to be the same woman whose story was told a few weeks ago. Only now she decided to not stay anonymous anymore, & added some details, like this:

"During the years when Sidik was targeted for forced sterilisation, she was also sexually harassed at home by a Han Chinese man sent to live as a “relative” in her apartment, under a programme of surveillance rolled out across Xinjiang"

--- This programme doesn't get enough attention, for what I can see. It's at least as bad as the concentration camps.

Rights Groups Slam Xi's Latest Calls to 'Sinicize' Tibetan Buddhism

"Xi's vow to build a "new modern socialist Tibet that is united, prosperous, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful" would be achieved primarily via secondary school reforms that “plant the seeds of loving China deep in the heart of every youth." And by "actively [guiding] Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to the socialist society and promote the Sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism,”"

--- & in the West you still have leftist 'anti-imperialists' who openly support the CCP.

Yang Hengjun: Australian writer held in China 'will fight to the end'

"Nicknamed "the democracy peddler", Dr Yang maintained a blog on the country's current affairs and international relations, but he had not been directly critical of Chinese authorities in recent years."

--- Commies have a long memory of any criticism.

Pro-democracy boycott of Disney's Mulan builds online via # milkteaalliance

"Liu had reportedly posted a message on the Chinese social media site Weibo, which translated as: “I also support Hong Kong police. You can beat me up now.” In English she added: “What a shame for Hong Kong.”"

--- More like 'What a shame for Disney.'

"Another of the film’s stars, Donnie Yen, has also provoked criticism over comments relating to Hong Kong"

--- Strange, how pro-CCP Disney seems to attract pro-CCP actors.
Meanwhile CNN promotes another movie as possibly attractive for Chinese movie goers: Hollywood needs a blockbuster hit in China. 'Tenet' could be it

Hong Kong security law 'may break international laws'

"The rare and stinging communique (pdf) from seven different working groups and special rapporteurs warned the Chinese government that the law infringed on fundamental rights"

--- The fundamental right of the Chinese population is to follow the lead of the CCP under benevolent emperor Xi. & this fundamental right is obviously fully implemented in China & Hong Kong cannot be excluded.

"the law was so broad and ill-defined it was “open to abuse”, and appeared to criminalise actions from freedom of expression to political writing"

--- That's the whole point of the law.

"“Some people disregard the facts and maliciously slander China’s human rights situation... and crudely interfere in China’s internal affairs,”"

--- Yes, such crude interference. Criticising a highly civilised law to implement total CCP rule. How dare you?!
cf.: As Hong Kong's academic year begins, it's unclear what can legally be said in a classroom -- and whether student activism is a thing of the past

Pacific nation of Palau invites US to build a military base to counter China

"Remengesau also suggested a US Coast Guard presence would help Palau patrol its vast marine reserve, which covers an area of ocean the size of Spain and is difficult for the tiny nation to monitor"

--- Reasonable idea. & for a nation of 20,000, a US base would be a good source of income which would make it less reliant on (Chinese) tourism.

COVID-19: China's international schools struggle as teachers, students remain stuck abroad

"Even before the travel restrictions, business for international schools had already been declining as companies have been sending fewer expats and their children to China due to cost cuts"

--- Article focuses on private & "international" schools. But the situation at universities should be similar. Since I am looking for a job (though not in China) I noticed a lot of ads from Chinese universities looking for foreign teachers.
Even if they find them, I wonder how they are supposed to get there. Even if you get a visa (which still seems to be very hard), there are almost no flights.

--- Other news:

China may ditch US Treasuries as decoupling risk looms: Global Times

U.S. is looking at banning more Chinese apps over national security as TikTok sale stalled

China just launched a ‘reusable test spacecraft’ — possibly a spaceplane

Video News:

--- China Uncensored features the weekend variety:

--- WION: "Gravitas: A small Island is standing up to the mighty China"


Deutsche Nachrichten:

«China fährt gegen die Wand»

"Wir haben es im Grunde mit Systemdifferenzen zu tun, die es auch ohne Xi Jinping oder Donald Trump gegeben hat. Die beiden sind jedoch erhebliche Katalysatoren"

--- Naja, der Trumpel ist nur eine kleine Fußnote, während Kaiser Xi wesentlich langfristigeren Einfluss haben könnte.

"Aus Peking waren in den vergangenen Wochen gemässigtere Töne zu vernehmen."

--- Chinesische Kommis reden viel, wenn der Tag lang ist. Auf ihre Taten sollst du schau'n.

"es sieht nicht danach aus, dass China dafür sein Modell der Staatswirtschaft aufgeben wird"

--- Eben.

"Ausserdem muss Europa noch genauer prüfen, wer aus China hier mit welcher Form der staatlichen Unterstützung investiert."

--- Meine Rede.

"China hat eine der unproduktivsten Volkswirtschaften der Welt. Das übersehen wir im Westen gern"

--- Aber alles so schön bunt da.

Proteste gegen Sprachvorgaben in Schulen

"Viele Fächer dürfen von nun an nur noch auf Chinesisch unterrichtet werden"

--- Mongolisch wird quasi zur Fremdsprache degradiert. Kein Wunder, daß es Widerstand gibt. Zu spät.
'Als sie die Tibeter unterdrückten, habe ich nichts gesagt. Als sie die Uiguren unterdrückten, habe ich nichts gesagt. Als sie anfingen, uns zu unterdrücken, war niemand mehr da, der etwas sagen konnte.' (oder so ähnlich)

China will Studienfälscher härter bestrafen

"Wissenschaftler bezweifeln jedoch, dass die Änderungen einen Unterschied machen werden, da es bereits Vorschriften für Fehlverhalten gibt, die aber nicht durchgesetzt werden."

--- Solange man die zugrundeliegende Kultur nicht anpackt, bringen schärfere Strafen herzlich wenig. An der Kultur wird sich aber nichts ändern, solange die größten Lügner & Betrüger in der Regierung sitzen.

"China hat seit Langem ein Problem mit Fehlverhalten in der Forschung. Es gab Fälle, in denen es um Plagiate, gefälschte Daten und gefälschte Peer-Reviews ging."

--- Solches Fehlverhalten gibt es überall. Das Problem ist das Ausmaß in China.
