China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-09-16


English news:

Trump attacks WTO after it says US tariffs on China broke global trade rules

"Washington had not then adequately explained why its measures were a justified exception"

--- Not surprised. The Trump administration has never been great at explaining anything.

"The decision would not have much immediate effect on the US tariffs and was just the start of a legal process that could take years to play out"

--- Don't know what the 'would' is supposed to mean here. The decision probably won't have any effect on the tariffs. Before there is a final decision (which might not have much of an effect either) we will have to wait a long time.

Beijing is publicizing its philosophy of how tech firms like TikTok must aid China’s rise

"the Party this week spelled out its philosophy that the private sector and entrepreneurs must align ever more closely with its goals of advancing China’s development and “rejuvenating” the Chinese nation"

--- Opening up & free market with Chinese characteristics?

"China must “strengthen the cultivation of young entrepreneurs…guiding them to inherit and continue the great tradition of listening to and following the Party”"

--- Just ask Mao what great a tradition that is.

China seeks a new army of consumers

"Previously, all property belonged to the state, but in recent decades ownership of private property has been allowed"

--- Not really. Real estate is still owned by the state, you only get a 70-year lease. Which may be renewed, or not. Or, well, just ignored:

"ancient courtyard homes reportedly worth over $200 million, were seized by the government in Pingyao County in Shanxi province"

--- Because if the CCP wants it, the CCP gets it.

"“The internet celebrity economy and the live broadcast economy have injected new vitality into China's digital economy,” Jintai reported.
But last week China’s Cyberspace authority started cracking down on the country’s live streaming services, which officials described as "vulgar""

--- Just as with the real estate sector, the CCP can intervene anywhere anytime. Investing in China is just not a good idea. That's why so many Chinese try to get their money out of China. Well, those who have enough money, that is:

"today (September 14), it was revealed that the monthly income of 600 million people in China is less than 1,000 yuan"

--- Yay! Because this is the year that China will eradicate poverty. So, miraculously all these 600 million will at least double their income by the end of the year, so that they are over the official poverty line.

The moral case for China to fight a war

"War must have a solid moral justification; thus, China would not fire the first shot and it should be clear that it is the victim and not the aggressor"

--- Easy. China is the eternal innocent victim. So, who would ever believe it could be the aggressor.

"The government has a monopoly on information and what it says is true"

--- Exactly. When emperor Xi says that Taiwan attacked China, that's a fact & China has every right to inva... er ... defend itself.

"Possibly by arguing about the moral issues in going to war he is building an argument that tries to cool down the animus of domestic hardliners"

--- The Global Times is the most (if that is possible) hardline voice among Chinese English language media. Hence it is rather improbable that they are trying to cool anything down. More probably they are preparing the ground for future aggression.

European chief singles out China’s moves on Hong Kong, Xinjiang as she unveils new sanctions scheme

"Ursula von der Leyen, the EC president, displayed tough rhetoric on China’s human rights records and trade practices"

--- Tough, well, but at least she was a bit more open than usual.

"This House has called many times for a European Magnitsky act – and I can announce that we will now come forward with a proposal"

--- Now, that would be a surprise. Greater surprise yet, if the EU would actually enforce such a Magnitsky act.

"Speaking two days after President Xi Jinping’s video summit with German Chancellor Angela Merkel with two other EU leaders, Clauss said: “Not completely unexpectedly, not a lot of progress has been made in that videoconference""

--- Hm, they actually admit it. Really seems like things are changing.
cf.: EU-China Summit Has Some Germans Rethinking Relations With Beijing
also: Italy Hardens Stance on China, In Line With EU Investment Push

A Thousand-Year-Old Tibetan Buddhist Temple Destroyed in Shanxi

"police and urban management officers and village officials broke some statues, looking for valuables inside them, and took away all mahogany tables and chairs"

--- Common commie behaviour.

Singapore becomes hub for Chinese tech amid US tensions

"Given the US-China tensions in tech and the heightening risk of decoupling, it makes sense for Chinese tech companies to separate operations in China and outside of China"

--- Perhaps. But since they are Chinese companies, they still have to do anything the CCP wants them to.

"This can help Chinese companies avoid the appearance of Chinese investment"

--- Hey, we are Singaporean, not Chinese. Don't bother us with your sanctions!

China’s Nobel Peace Prize problem

"for the foreseeable future, when Nobel season comes around in a year when there is a visible flareup of authoritarian brutality in China, Chinese officials will feel compelled to re-threaten the Nobel Committee"

--- Why not give it to the Dalai Lama again? Would be a nice gesture to China.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "How Wall Street Sold Out America to China | Clive Hamilton"

--- DW News: "India and China brace for border standoff"

--- India Today: "India-China Ladakh Standoff: Army Sources Confirm Four Firing Incidents At Pangong Tso Area"

--- NBC News: "DOJ Slams China In Hacking Scheme For ‘Stealing Intellectual Property, Stifling Freedom’"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Entspannung nicht in Sicht

"Wenige Tage nach der Vereinbarung zwischen den Außenministern der beiden Atommächte, die Spannungen entlang der Grenzlinie im Himalaya zu entschärfen, verstärkt sich der militärische Aufmarsch im Himalaya."

--- Überraschung!

"Bei Schusswechseln im Juni soll es auf beiden Seiten Tote gegeben haben. Bestätigte Zahlen dafür gibt es nicht."

--- Zum 2. Mal dieser Schwachsinn. Die Tagesschau sollte ihre 'Faktenfinder' mal auf die eigenen Artikel ansetzen. Tote gab es im Juni, geschossen wurde aber erst Ende August & Anfang September (s.a. Video oben).

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung schließt Büro in Hongkong

"Unsere Mitarbeiter können unter dem Vorwand, sie seien ,ausländische Agenten', angeklagt und zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt werden, ohne rechtsstaatliche Verfahren, ohne Chance auf einen fairen Prozess"

--- Vernünftige Maßnahme. Kann man jeder anderen, politisch aktiven NGO in Hong Kong nur empfehlen.


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