Quarantine Diaries: Day 18


The governor’s “stay at home” executive order went into effect at midnight last night. Two people have been added to our usual household population of four, guests for the duration. It’s now 18 days since I’ve gone into a store but others here are making occasional runs out, mostly for perishable foods. Stores seem to be out of unusual things — plenty of sardines but no anchovies. First World problems. We’ve had a hard time finding flour and eggs.


U.K. Rating Cut to AA- by Fitch Amid Spending to Fight Virus

Can the USA be far behind? The news has been filled with stories about the $2 trillion relief package (calling it stimulus is the comfortable euphemism) but few people are paying attention to the scale of what the Federal Reserve is doing. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. But their actions have one of two logical outcomes, default or hyperinflation.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro makes life-or-death coronavirus gamble

Bolsonaro may have concluded that when he faces reelection in two and a half years, the economy will matter more to most Brazilians than the death toll from coronavirus. By labeling the virus threat as overblown and decrying state governors’ quarantines and shutdowns as unnecessary, he could be preparing to blame others for any recession that might happen.

Toilet paper was an odd thing for people to freak out about but a looming condom shortage could actually have some serious implications.

Where’s Snake Plissken when you need him? Trump considering coronavirus quarantine on New York…


Post beneficiaries:
5% - @goldendawne
5% - @peakd


I can find pretty much everything I need except toilet paper and hand sanitizer. The selection of beef is pretty limited, but there's always something, it seems. I haven't checked for flour, but I don't use it or eat it, I suppose.


18 days! Wow were on day 4 here in new zealand and im already bored 😂
