
Hey Out there Awakened Ones,

Youtube is not allowing me to post comments about the toxic vaccine they came out with just now. This shows how they are controlling the narrative and trying to force this poison unto everyone without anyone knowing the truth, this is unacceptable.

I did have a feeling that I would be banned because I'm speaking out against the corrupt system and telling the truth about the poisons they are selling on the market. I'm using their system in order to do so, so I knew I was walking on thin ice, but now it's confirmed, that the elite are controlling all the information that is allowed out into the public domain.

I can't stand YOUTUBE, it's a terrible place to be. I hope everyone out there protects themselves against the agenda of mass vaccination and weakening everyones immune systems and brain functioning abilities. Please don't get this poison injected into your body, protect yourself and your family.

Everyone needs to get off Youtube Now and shut it down because this place can't be trusted. We can't allow the elite to own and control the information sources and we nee to take action. Can you please suggest some other video sharing sites that I can use?

Shit is really hitting the fan now, but we need to remain calm and see through all the lies and deceit.

Together we are Strong. "People United will Never be Defeated."


Have you tried dtube?
Yeah I don't trust vaccines. They're part of the grand effort to keep us physically alive yet spiritually dead. Just like the rat poison in our drinking water


Thanks for the comment and helpful tip. I haven't tried d-tube but i'll check it out. I'm so glad to hear that you're aware of the dangers of vaccines. It's very sad that many people are listening to mainstream media and following along with what they're told to do. Wishing you health and happiness :)


Where we go one, we go all. Keep fighting the good fight!


Dear @hippie-witha-gun,

I am truly amazed that I have been unblocked from Youtube today. I wrote them a message last night and expressed my heartfelt feelings and today I have been unblocked on the platform. I'm not sure if this message is the reason why, but I am feeling very hopeful today. Below is the message I wrote to them last night:


I'm wondering why you have banned me from expressing my views based on the evidence that I have found.

Why are you working to enslave the population and keep us sick and unhealthy? What do you have to gain from this? How do you feel inside and are you filled with happiness and peace?

We are made in the image of love and connection and you are following a dark and misinformed path and once you reach the point in your life, when your body dies and you leave this earth, you will find out that your whole belief system was based on a lie and false views.

What you are doing to your human family is disgraceful and harmful, not only to us, but to your own soul and well-being.

I don't want to argue and fight with you, I want us to get along and be healthy and happy together. I feel sad that you're living in darkness and consumed with greed and negativity.

We can all be happy here on this Earth and a few people don't have to hoard all of the resources, while the majority of us are suffering.

Our life here is short and once we leave here, we will only be able to take our knowledge and our hearts with us.

If you focus your energy on harming the public, then you will not end up in a very good place once you leave here.

I wish we could work together and help people instead of trying to enslave them and keep people sick and confused.

I'm very disappointed that you have prevented me from expressing my views, that is uncalled for an unacceptable and this will not turn out very well.

Can you please allow me to contribute to this platform because I have all of our best interests in mind.
