My Diary - Corona Status 2020, March 25, Germany And Worldwide


My family and I

are healthy, at the moment. I have to work in home office since 9. of march. I was one of the first who was sent home due to a mixture of misunderstanding and fear. It showed out that in these times one can get very fast judged, even if there is no reason to.
On week later, the rest of my team was sent home too. We can all work from home, which is a great privilege.
We have cancelled our normal social activities. We don't play cards with our neighbour and my father, we don't meet in our "Hauskreis", even my nice is not allowed to visit us (she might be positive).
Lots of people I know have to shorten their work, including my wife. For some people this is a huge financial challenge. Thanks god, not for us.

We in Germany

don't have a general curfew like in Italy, but we have a lot of restrictions:

  • Most shops are closed. Only supermarkets, drugstores and some other system relevant shops are open.
  • Churches, haircutters, bars, restaurants are closed since one week.
  • Open meeting points and playgrounds are closed as well.
    This picture was taken from the meadow behind our house. It is a now closed playground.

This is a sign in our ice-cream shop in the neighborhood. It is closed as well

  • It is forbidden to meet more than one person (except the family).
  • The borders to other countries are restricted or closed. Traveling is only allowed with very good reasons.

If you contravene against these rules you have to pay several hundred up to 25.000 € or even prison up to three month.
Yesterday a group of young people, that made some corona jokes to two worried walkers which called the police, had to pay 200 € each as a warning. In the moment I don't know about harder executed punishments.
The streets are mostly empty. It is strange to hear only minor traffic jams in the radio.
The weather is great. We have totally blue sky. This happens not that often. Usually we see at least condense streams from planes, but there are only a few of them now. In Düsseldorf usually 650 planes starts a day. Now it is only 150.

We have had 4000 new cases yesterday in Germany. Total cases: 31.000 and deaths until now: 149 (The numbers differ from hour to hour and from website to website)
origin Covid 19 cases in Germany on 2020/03/25

The radio and media

has only two topics: Corona and everything that tries to distract from corona.
And toilet paper. We have a lot of jokes about toilet paper and pasta, because this were the first things that were sold out in the shops, not that we have a lack of it, but because of panic buying. It's not really a problem for us (in Germany), because the delivery chains are working and every day the shelfs are filled up again.

The pandemic

origin. Covid 19 cases worldwide on 2020/02/25

Covid-19 has a lethality from about 1%. This is a rough guess and depends on the country. We don't have clear numbers because in most countries only people with the hard cases go to hospital. From them up to 4% die.
Covid-19 has an incubation time from about 12 days, which is really perfidious. Because it takes some weeks until a nation realises the danger.
Covid-19 is a new flu. This means humanity is not immunised and so nearly everyone who gets infected can infect others. In normal circumstances one person with covid-19 infects three further persons in two weeks. This is exponential growth. The only weapon we have in the moment is to keep distance. In countries like Italia and Great Britain this has not been taken serios in the early days (two weeks ago) and there the numbers of deaths are horrible. The hospitals are overcrowded and doctors have to decide, who shall live and who not.


Yes, there are videos on twitter and co. of single persons that beat for toilet paper. But there are more stories about people that help each other. Young people go shopping for the elder neighbours (Old people have a significant higher risk for complications with Covid-19). And even hospitals take over patients from overcrowded hospitals from other countries.


When you get this disease, cells in your lung die. This causes dry cough and therefor pain. And that's the mild state. None wants to get this. So I personally hope, to stay out of the focus of this pandemic until we get vaccine. But this vaccine may exist probably beginning of next year. Until then we have to stay isolated. Most people didn't realize this until now, they think in weeks. On the other hand, China has managed the situation, apparently (I don't trust their numbers).
We have a slight feeling of fear somewhere in our stomach. Everything is so strange. A few days ago a police helicopter flew slowly in a low altitude above ours streets. This happens very rarely here. That's like in a bad movie, but now it is reality.
And you shall not get sick now at all. The hospitals are full. A broken arm in the moment is not a good idea.


Now it shows which country has a good healthcare and good politicians.
I hope, that this pandemic is a cesura. We are realizing now, what is really important: social nearness, social caring, social healthcare. Not Money, not status symbols but solidarity. People that shouted: "We don't need a government for our markets" cry now "Please government, help us otherwise we go bankrupt".


And the governments help out. Everywhere the money presses start to print. Suddenly money is not a problem. Someone will pay for that, yes, but that's in the future.
The stock markets have crashed. Even gold and bitcoin, from which many people said, this will be the currency in the next crisis. But it isn't. Only liquid money (and toilet paper ;-) ) is asked now.
origin S&P 500 Index

(Only a small group of Cryptocurrencies (I.e. Steem/Hive) have success, but that's another story ;-)))

On the other hand, at least in Germany, the government really helps out and gives money to the people that need it (to keep the system stable).


Last year was "Fridays for Future" the main topic in the medias. We are realizing, that the way we live cannot go on. We need more (climate) justice worldwide. Greta Thunberg said: "We have to stop the train!". And a lot of people answered: "This is impossible". And now the train has stopped. At least for a small while. This will not help the nature to recreate, but maybe us to think, that there is much more possible, if we really want.

More Infos:


Take care, stay safe and try to be optimistic. Have a good one.
