COVID-19 Lockdown will End Soon: What Did You Learn in Solitude?



As we can see the end of the COVID-19 lockdown coming soon, I hope everyone took time to learn something as we were locked down.

I took time to ponder the weakness of our just-in-time and heavily indebted system. We are very fragile, and living in dense cities might be very negative in many ways. Millions of citizens in cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle and New York are living in dense, dangerous and expensive locations where a few weeks of missed income means homelessness and the virus spread quickly.

I also learned that living in a country area has many positives. I learned having an essential job in healthcare is a very good but hazardous occupation.

I learned I don't want to be in debt, and avoiding others can be good. We are not in this together, as every family has handled this differently. If you are poor, sick or old this is a dangerous time to live in.

What did you learn?

Picture from Pixabay.
