SCHOOL FOR PARENTS: My son bites, what should I do?


Hello friends, welcome to "I love to educate" is a blog created for educational purposes. To provide support to teachers, students and parents in the teaching-learning process, facilitating the completion of school activities.

Almost all babies, after having their first teeth, begin looking for them to use and bite. According to child psychologists, biting is a completely natural way for a child to know the world around him.


However, it is still not worth doing a behavior like the norm of interaction of children with the world around them. And all parents, without exception, should know how to wean a child to bite.

So, the problem is obvious: my son bites, what should I do?

How to explain to a child that a bite of an apple or a carrot is not only possible, but also necessary, but you should not try your mom, dad and brother?

Baby's parents are tormented by thoughts:

  • How to react to this situation?
  • Let him know that you don't like this kind of behavior?
  • What happens if it can damage your child's son's psyche?
  • And will you understand the ban?
  • Do you continue to endure, waiting for the baby to overcome this habit and the problem disappears on its own?

But it's not that simple. Children's teeth, despite their small size, are strong enough, and can barely contain the cry of pain after the next bite.

A woman, in no case, should not endure in silence, much less encourage such behavior of the baby. Otherwise, you run the risk of having a child who bites. Make sure that immediately after your baby tries to bite you for the first time, let him know he doesn't like it.


If the child tries to bite again, remove his chest: he must clearly understand that when he bites, he loses not only milk, but also his mother's breast. As a general rule, even younger children begin to quickly understand that their mother should not be bitten. The reasons why young children bite are slightly different and the child quickly overcomes them.

However, a small baby begins to bite, and often for no apparent reason: he simply approaches someone and bites unexpectedly. And here, too, the correct reaction of loved ones around the baby is important.

However, before talking about how to react correctly, I would like to draw parents' attention to a reason, such as boredom. In most cases, boredom is the answer to the parents' question about why children bite. In this peculiar way, the baby is trying to attract the attention of adults, most often the mother.

You can leave a child biting. In fact, when a one-year-old child bites, this can still be understood and accepted, but when a 3-4 year old baby tries to bite, emergency measures must be taken. However, you should not expect him to do it instantly, especially if for a long time he did not let the child understand that such behavior is unacceptable.


Your main assistants in this difficult task should be consistency. Once you are prohibited from biting, you can never bite the baby once, even if you really do not have time to comment at this time. Otherwise, the child will try the allowed frame over and over again, hoping that the parents do not depend on him and the punishment for his act does not continue.


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