USA Revolt?


Wednesday 1-6-20



thank you for the video news,have a great day


Thank you very much for the information,have a great day to you


I really can't argue with Greg about being mislead. I really feel sorry for those who unlike a handful of other long time bloggers like myself who upvoted comments that the promises of some massive dump of information was going to be coming forthwith from within the intelligence agencies to undeniably prove fraud sounded similarly to other promises of democrat criminally being exposed and prosecuted that never happened. Tens of thousands of people traveled to DC upon the president telling them they'd hear about massive amounts of fraud only ended up being a repeat of fraud that was exposed the last few weeks, there was no intelligence reports released to back any of that fraud up about our votes going over seas, being switched and returned. In other words the promises of intelligence on foreign interference in our elections. In that regard it was like holding onto a lit match until your fingers burned and Trump should have never allowed that to play out like that. I sort of got the feeling the reality of that was never going to come forth once he distanced himself from Sidney Powell. Instead of coming straight out at that point and telling his supporters that in that regard we've got nothing he led them to hold onto what she was saying had some remote possibility. He also said repeatedly "give me the names of those in congress denying the fraud", like he had some big secret he was going to expose them on as in he'd prove they were in on it. Yes I am thoroughly convinced this election was stolen, the evidence of such came directly from the hearings held by state legislatures. His failure to back that up with further evidence from intelligence agencies or being fully aware massive fraud was going to be committed and didn't set up insiders to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt is on him and he deserves to lose because of it.
