Actor Furious with CPS (Child Protection Service)



I have written before about family protection and how these government agencies over-step their bounds and regularly target families who just want their own privacy. There is a need to protect children from predators and of course extreme dysfunctional family life. The question of what is extreme dysfunction is not something needed under a microscope.

Abuse can be detected, but much of the time families who have 'regular' problems are being violated in terms of privacy and control of their own families. How many children simply live in poverty and might not have the necessary food supplements at home? Is it a crime to be poor? Is it a crime to be malnourished if parents cannot afford healthier food? Perhaps as economies crash CPS / CAS should become a food bank rather than communist social welfare Nazi's.

So here is a story linked above about a famous actor where CPS came strolling by simply because of some Instagram posts. All it takes is a telephone call, or a simple photo to bring these commies around. If you ever spoke to these extreme-left liberal agents you can understand 'triggered'. You cannot fight a system that is corrupt at it's core.

"I was looking at the lady and the whole time I was thinking, 'You could be helping so many kids right now, and you're wasting your time with a child who has everything they need,'" the famous daughter said.

You do not need to be famous to see this. I and many others have uttered the exact same words. It would seem these 'private' organizations with shadowy government money continue to run their own agenda much like the federal reserve which is 'private' but has shadowy government deep state support.

Unfortunately like most things in life we only care about a cause if we have been effected by it. Sometimes celebrities who really have little understanding of the world can at least do some good by exposing issues such as these.

I am lucky enough to have nothing to do with these organizations; but in the past they have caused me enormous anxiety and stress. Perhaps pharmaceutical companies have a stake in CPS pimping their anti-anxiety pills. Far stretch? Wouldn't surprise me.


CPS came strolling by simply because of some Instagram posts.

Government agents snooping around because of social media? Seriously?? Criminal!

Posted using Partiko Android


no but you see they are 'private' nothing to do with gov
