
Not long ago, I presented the Spanish version of my story to the Hive community. I now offer the English version.


my life is a escape and I lose everything and everything is from oblivion
Jorge Luis Borges

The man marches with difficulty. He limps on the right leg. He thinks of nothing. It looks like a robot whose only function is to walk and walk. He walks without expecting to find anything, as if life were a continuous journey and destiny a way to follow, or as if he had just awakened to life and his instinct told him to move, as do the little turtles that are born on the beaches, at the sea shore. After a good stretch in his journey he realizes his indeterminacies.

He vaguely recalls the elements that decreed his journey and where he is right now. He unfolds in his thought and looks as if he were a narrator who tells the story of an invented character. A man is known to have experienced a series of tribulations. Right now he cannot specify them but he knows that they have led him to walk, with the appearance of a beggar and sick, a tortuous and dangerous path. He has witnessed the murder of two or three men along the way, although he suspects that the corporeal entity of the murderers may just be projections of shadows in the gaze of the character man.


Man has not finished recognizing his own qualities when the image of another subject interrupts him in his walk and he feels as if existence and the meaning of living are being misconfigured. His spirit is troubled and he is afraid, the hair on his burdened head stands on end and he remains dumbfounded.

Feeling on the lookout for the other's image, he sits up silently and continues walking, but this time looking for some refuge to hide. By taking the lead and outwitting what he considers the first attack, the man feels like he has won a first round. However, the image of the other has somehow penetrated his desperate purpose. He thinks of crossing to the left, and although his vision extends over a plain, that idea prefigures the image of certain labyrinths. It crosses some rice fields and then moves to the secret summit of a mountain. Forgetting his destiny of being persecuted, he perceives the world in its abstraction and feels located in an indefinite time.


The blue of the sky seems close and at the same time extends to infinity. The path the man has before him descends in the shape of a slope and forks among the confused meadows. The wind brings a sharp and syllabic music and drags it between leaves and carries it distant. The man comes to a tall, rusty gate. Between the bars you can see a poplars set and a kind of pavilion. The image and the sound of the knocking at the door are imprecise. A bell? The voice or the hands? The only certainty is an approaching lantern light. A light cracked and sometimes erased by the trunks of large trees, as if it were a paper light, shaped like a drum and the color of the moon. .

