Puppets in the community Update #30

Group work techniques for children with problems. This is the most complicated part of the workshop, as children with behavior problems are more difficult to handle at the group level.

Thanks to my experience I have been able to teach without difficulty and the children have barely shown violent signs. In the experience of the first workshop I had the opportunity to share with children of delinquents who despite having psychological signs of family violence quickly adapted to the workshop and their peers.

My strategy is the accumulation of knowledge that was transmitted to me by my teacher and theatre director. The key to interacting with these types of children is to build trust so that they understand that the workshop is different from what they commonly live in their homes. And if you have to drain any negative feelings, do so by developing art.

The second case is a girl who after interacting for a while with her classmates was withdrawn in such a way that she didn't talk to anyone, she just remained silent and only after a while she reacted and returned to participate in the activities.

The other children had problems at home but thanks to the teaching techniques they were able to adapt very well. In 15 years of work I have found thousands of cases of sexual abuse, family violence, facts related to drugs all in children of different ages is something that has made me aware of the cultural errors that persecute us and must be eradicated, my theory is that if it can be achieved through art. Art is liberating and has a condition of totally transforming our environment. If it can transform what is around us, it can transform the essence of man and therefore mold a child perfectly.

This is another very important reason for me in raising funds for this workshop, children with behavioral problems and who are irradiated with violence problems are more likely to drop out of school or develop negative attitudes that will transform their personality into a criminal being. A noble reason to make donations in favor of this cause that apart from teaching artistic techniques can change the lives of hundreds of children and their families.

Do not forget to review each one of my updates in order to know more closely the topics that I am dealing with this last week, I am doing as a kind of breakdown so that my collaborators understand each of the parts of which are composed this beautiful workshop that links not only art but also encompasses that is the blockchain, how to reuse recycling materials, new techniques for innovative educational teaching.

To read all about this project and find out how you can support it, visit it at Fundition.io by simply clicking on the link: Puppets in the community PROJECT and be sure to check out steemit's profile @arrozymangophoto

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Special recognition:

@r2cornell a guide for the steemit community supports causes like @aid.venezuela.

@mariusfebruary Great defender of just causes in steemit

@canadian.coconut defends social and family protection causes

@gtg Great steem promoter, attentive and helpful with countless projects

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