Started Playing Arknights! My first 6 star Operator!


I'm really bored nowadays and so I often browse the Google Playstore to find some interesting games to play in.

2 weeks ago I've tried playing 'Kingdom of Heroes' and while it was somewhat fun to play during the first 2-3 days, after I leveled up a 6-star hero of mine to max level I just started to get bored with the whole game. Lol The game is fun but the grinding on that game is too hard and long to do. Not to mention it consumes too much of my time just to keep up my pace in the game.

Anywho, I managed to find another game today that looks somewhat interesting based on the preview, the screenshots and the user reviews. The game is called "Arknights"!


I'm not gonna explain fully what the game is about but in a gist it's mostly like a TOWER DEFENSE game.

Tower defense is a subgenre of strategy video game where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack.

Source: Wikipedia (


The fun part is collecting strong and powerful defensice structures (in this game they are called "operators" which helps the player to defend their territory).

Each operator has a specific skill or ability that might prove useful to the player. Also, each operator has specific stats to which can be upgraded and leveled up.

Anyways, here's my first 6 star operator, ANGELINA.

