Getting Some Work Done in the Greenhouse


Hello, and welcome to the greenhouse!

Yesterday was probably one of the nicer days that we've had here so far this year. The sunshine gave me some ambition to go out to the greenhouse and work on a few projects for the garden season.

The first thing I did was to carry the tomato plants out to the greenhouse for the day. I've been bringing them in the house at night because it has been below freezing at night and I don't have heat in the greenhouse. The plants are growing slowly, but they're growing. There's also a bunch of marigold sprouts in the little pots.

These 3 are the Black Krim tomato plants, up on the heat wall with the cactus, the succulents, and some of my pet rocks.

I decided to start refilling the big greenhouse pots with some fresh soil, mixed with some of the used soil from last year. I had picked up a few bags of soil from the local big box store, and they were waiting for me to start.

I had 3 pots mostly emptied out so that I could refill them with the fresh mix.

I use a cement mixing tray for mixing my soil in the greenhouse.

It took more soil than I thought it would, but I got the 3 pots as full as I wanted them to be until I plant the tomato plants in them.

After I got that done, I decided to start getting some of my potatoes from last year ready to be planted for this year's crop. I had a bunch of small red potatoes that I wasn't able to put in the basement refrigerator last winter until after they had already started sprouting. I saved them for seed potatoes. To prepare them for planting, I cut off all the long sprouts. My efforts in the past with planting potatoes with the long sprouts left on have not worked out all that well, so I cut them off now.

I made sure that the potatoes had other active eyes on them before putting them in the "to be planted" crate.

I also found some blue potatoes in with the sprouty red potatoes, so I prepared them also. Most of them had smaller sprouts on them.

The next couple of days are supposed to be not so nice, but when we get our next stretch of good weather, I'll be getting these potatoes planted. Some of these will be planted here at home, and some of them will go up to my community garden plots.

That's all I have for this post, thanks for stopping by to check it out!

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