Una fruta poca cosechada en la isla! ./ A little harvested fruit on the island.


En la isla es muy poco común la siembra de esta planta, y casi no se ve en sembradíos, debido a que su plantación es através de su misma ramas.
Yo en la parcela conservo está planta de ciruela roja, son bastantes dulce pero muy delicadas en cuanto a su fruto por ser atacadas por una mosca y les produce gusanos en su fruto, tambien son muy atacadas por los pájaros.

The planting of this plant is very rare on the island, and it is almost not seen in fields, because its planting is through its branches. In the plot I keep this red plum plant, they are quite sweet but very delicate in terms of their fruit because they are attacked by a fly and they cause worms in their fruit, they are also very attacked by birds.

Siempre en este tiempo de abril y mayo está planta da los frutos.
Always in this time of April and May this plant bears fruit.

Fotos tomadas con mi teléfono celular ZTE maven 2. / Photos taken with my ZTE maven 2 cell phone.


Bang, even on HIVE I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Sorry, no beers or deranged or trdo yet... waiting on steem-engine to make the move to HIVE...
Week 2 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!
