Google Local Guide - My December month contribution


During the month of December my contribution to Google was sent to me in an email as an update. I was impressed seeing this data. One concern that I had was that some of the data was not very accurate. I would have visited lots of places than the ones that are mentioned in this article but Google couldn't track everything accurately. I'm not sure if it was because of my phone but it was indeed a great thing.

I travelled to many places during the month of December as part of my honeymoon trip. As I stayed in many hotels, I wanted to write a review about each places and share photos. That is one of the reason why my contribution was very high during the month of December. Especially towards the end of the December was the peak travelling time for me.

Below is the total contributions I have done during the month of December alone. I have not seen a good comparison stats from Google in the past. It could be that I have contributed so much during the last month and that is why they shared it to motivate me.

Looks like there is also a comparison done between the other local guides available in my locality. I was considered to be top in 1% of the total local guides population in Chennai. For the whole lot, I guess that is definitely a great number.

I was able to contribute so many photos especially in the last month. When I visited some places, I spent some considerable amount of time just for the sake of uploading the photos to Google Maps. This also gained me a new badge called Expert Photographer for the contributions I made last month.

When I visit a place, I not only bother about writing a review about that place but I also try to upload some images of that place. But apart from that, I also spend some time in answering some questions about the place. Usually the questions will be common questions but I take some time to answer all the questions about that place.

It is very interesting to continue the journey as a Google Local guide. I believe that based on our contributions to the Google maps, the Google Local guides are also rewarded with some special offers now and then from Google. Most of the time that goes unnoticed but sometimes it is evident to us.

Though I couldn't keep up the contribution spirit this month, it was definitely a wonderful experience to visit many places and write reviews about it. These statistics also encourages people to contribute more. There are many local guides emerging nowadays and the competition is increasing. Google is also clever in getting the work done from the General public itself.

If you are someone from any part of the world that has some attractive places and tourist spots, you can also contribute to Google maps to make it helpful for others.


I was going to say I've gotten some emails with rewards and opportunities.

I need to start doing it again as it doesn't take much time and I've used it quite a bit to determine if certain McDonalds have play places so we give the kids a short time to stop and stretch their legs on long car rides.


Yes you can contribute regularly and grab some surprise rewards as well. 😉
