A pre-HF21 ramble because without one I wouldn't be a good Steemian



Picture taken right while walking out of the movies

Humans are sentimental beings. I just watched The Lion King, now all spruced up with animations and gorgeous effects - an old story in a new jacket like we say in Dutch.

Do we like change? Sometimes. Most of the time we like the real thing, the original, the thing that made us fall in love is often better than the thing that comes after.

But then, we change ourselves too. When I arrived on Steem there was no worry on my mind. I just wanted to write content, make friends, get upvotes, and figure out how to get to Whale Status ASAP. (I never thought I'd actually get there but a girl needs goals).

Now that whole experience changed for me. I changed. I've learned more about crypto and economics and how humans need to gain more control over their lives and how crypto can support that.

In less than an hour Steem will change too - maybe it's growing with all my changes, maybe it's growing against my personal growth. I'm not sure yet. I'm not a very abstract thinker, I think I understand humans, and humans don't like negativity, so humans will not like getting downvoted - even though the theory behind downvotes might make sense.

I'm still not the heaviest downvoter, but I want to do my part - if it was possible to delegate my downvotes I'd do so immediately - not having to worry about it myself but still making sure my stake would be useful for the overall economics of Steem.

But then again: the downvotes are both a healthy, probably much disliked as well as just one isolated aspect of this whole HardFork. The SPS could be a good thing if used right, and even though those who never curated will not suddenly start manually curating (maybe autovoting certain favourite/well-performing authors, which I'd call a minor upgrade) I do believe it will help getting more people to power up.

Anyway, back to being sentimental: I'm not really longing for my early days on Steem. They were frustrating and I felt helplessly small and insignificant and there seemed to be a thing to learn every day. Also: literally all there was were Steemit and Busy. Maybe I'll get a bit sentimental about the last year, at some point, as for me it was a great time on Steem: my account grew, I learned a LOT, I met amazing people, and I was well-supported as an author/creator.

I'm not super worried about the after-HF-Steem, but I might miss aspects of pre-HF-Steem.

Many things will remain the same though. Us bickering, or celebrating, or wanting to meet up and get to know one another.

I'm personally going to focus most on the SPS as I want that 10% that we're allocating to Proposals from the community to end up in the best hands. Maybe lobby for votes, maybe just make sure the worst proposals are not going to go through.

@gtg wrote a very useful post to help fight against bad proposals, and both @steempeak (@asgarth) and @dmitrydao are already building nice interfaces to check the proposals on

Last but not least read this amazing post by @justineh that basically tells you everything you ever wanted or needed to know about the HardFork. She's good at that Normie Talk!

I'm just rambling. 33 minutes left. The countdown FOMO is real! Will we be able to quickly get back to posting and commenting? How will my pending payouts change in the next 7 days? Exciting times.

Hakuna Matata.


Me walking into HF21:

So far, So good @soyrosa. xD I like forks, they move things a bit ahead. Let's hope for a smooth transition.


Hehe - I love that GIF :D

Yeah, I sort of like HFs too, change is exciting and in the end this is all a huge experiment and we need to try stuff to learn stuff.

There's always another HardFork coming in which we tweak or even undo certain changes :-)

But it's also a bit scary and although I'm not so worried about me I'm always afraid some users get overlooked and feel chased away from this place :-)

See you on the other side @hungryhustle!


I agree with you that I don't want to return to the helpless feeling that I had when I first joined the Steem community. At the same time, I do not enjoy major changes, especially when it is not clear if those changes are good for the people most impacted by the change.

The SPS could be a good thing if used right

This could be huge for the community. But like all things, if misused, a neutral tool becomes an evil tool.

And you made a great point about manually curating. If people are not in the habit of doing it now, they are not just going to flip the switch and start. My concern is that our curation efforts only focus on the people we already know and are not reaching out to new users. That would be a shame!


This is so true for me:
Do we like change? Sometimes. Most of the time we like the real thing, the original, the thing that made us fall in love is often better than the thing that comes after. As a beta reader/editor, I tend to prefer the first title, the first opening page, that I read. First drafts often have a freshness, urgency, and a flow that gets lost in revision. But I digress.

Downvotes? I have never exercised that option. Maybe I should pay more attention to negative stuff out there instead of playing ostrich and reading positives only, as much as possible.


Us bickering, or celebrating, or wanting to meet up and get to know one another.

Yep. And hugs. Don't forget the hugs.

Um... I'm just going to say it. What's SPS? I have too much stuff in my brain. Please insert vaccuum cleaner.

Oh, and I love that photo!!! Guess what! Dad gave me his 'old' camera - it's a Sony A6300 and it's NICE!! So I'm going to take more photos. Coz inspired. Coz you. And Steem. And everyone. Coz you're all awesome. Lots of hugs.
