BOREDOM Made Me Join Them || ENG+ESP

...Beware Of the bloodsuckers. They will claim to be your friend, deep down they only want what you have to offer. They will lure you with their fancy lifestyle and make you lose focus. Never you forget that you are there to study and nothing else.

Mom's words seemed to be unending as she gave me advice on the day I was leaving for college. It would be the first time for me staying away from home so long. Being Mom's only child, she couldn't live with herself if I should go astray. With my tiny body in her arms, we stood at the sub way waiting for the train.

Michaelson university was everything they said about it. It was large and beautiful, it had a big football field, basket ball court. I was glad that I could finally showcase my athletic skills on a real field. After several minutes of walking around and entering the wrong buildings, I finally located my hostel. Where I met my roommate Steve, who eventually became my best friend.

It was easy being friends with Steve because we were alike in several ways, we had similar dreams of making outstanding results and most importantly we didn't let the bloodsuckers influence us. It was difficult to resist the bloodsuckers, considering the way they oppress everybody with their fancy lifestyle. In their expensive clothes, they would drive to school in luxurious cars, always making a show wherever they went. Not to mention that they got all the pretty girls. Everybody wanted to be like the bloodsuckers.

To join them was actually easy, but there was only one costly price to pay. You had to give up your pursuit for academic success because once you join them you wouldn't have time to attend classes or complete assignments. You will be busy partying and indulging in other illegal things that made them so rich. They were called bloodsuckers because they would stay up all night hosting parties and disturbing the entire neighborhood with their loud music.


Few months later, I met the love of my life. Blossom was everything I could ever ask for in a girl. She was humble, beautiful, had a great sense of humor and was super brilliant. Together with my best friend Steve, we formed our little trio gang. We did everything together. Evenings when we were not studying or working on a project, we would step out, hang out and have some fun. Sometimes we would go for karaoke shows pretending to be a trio band group, with Blossom singing, Steve hitting the bands while I play the guitar. Every moment with them was fun. In school we always sat together for lunch making jokes at the bloodsuckers. Blossom would say;

"Look at that one with the big head, I bet he has no idea what chemistry is."

"Of course he does," Steve would reply. "I'm sure he thinks it's the relationship between a boy and a girl."

Then we will all burst into laughter. During our first year in school, it was stupid to us that someone would choose riches over education and knowledge. The three of us stuck together throughout our first and second year in college. It was midway into the third year that I lost my best friend Steve to the bloodsuckers. I can still remember his last words.

"What is the need of suffering to study, when these bloodsuckers end up paying to get the best grades. I'm sick of being looked down and referred to as a young, dumb and broke college kid."

After joining the bloodsuckers, he moved into the expensive hostels where the bloodsuckers lived, leaving me all alone in the room. This brought about loneliness, but Blossom didn't let me feel much of the loneliness. She came to keep me company as often as she could.

Unfortunately few months later, her Mom who was her only surviving parent came down with a terrible illness. With this, it became difficult for Blossom to pay her bills and fend for herself. I felt so bad because there was nothing I could do as my Mum was barely managing to keep me in school. One day she left me a sad note.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way. You know I love you and I'll stick with you no matter what. But right now, if I don't do something about my situation, I might drop out of school thereby destroying all my dreams. There's this bloodsucker that has always been on my neck. He promised me heaven and earth if only I'd become his girlfriend."

And that was the end of our three years relationship. First I lost my best friend to the bloodsuckers, now they have taken the love of my life as well. From that day onward, it felt like I was alone in the world. During lunch in school, I sat alone watching Steve as he had fun with his new friends and Blossom laughing with his new boyfriend. Even when I decide to step out to have fun, everywhere I went reminded me of my friends. Most times I'd remain in my room sulking and dying of boredom.

After several months, I couldn't stand it anymore. I finally gave in to the urge to join the bloodsuckers.


El aburrimiento me hizo unirme a ellos

...Cuidado con los chupasangres. Afirmarán ser tu amigo, en el fondo sólo quieren lo que tú tienes para ofrecer. Te atraerán con su estilo de vida elegante y te harán perder la concentración. Nunca olvides que estás ahí para estudiar y nada más.

Las palabras de mamá parecían no tener fin cuando me daba consejos el día que me iba a la universidad. Sería la primera vez que me quedaba fuera de casa tanto tiempo. Siendo la única hija de mamá, no podría vivir con ella misma si yo me descarriara. Con mi pequeño cuerpo en sus brazos, nos quedamos en el metro esperando el tren.

La universidad de Michaelson era todo lo que decían de ella. Era grande y hermosa, tenía un gran campo de fútbol, cancha de baloncesto. Me alegré de poder mostrar por fin mis habilidades atléticas en un campo de verdad. Después de varios minutos de dar vueltas y entrar en los edificios equivocados, finalmente localicé mi albergue. Donde conocí a mi compañero de habitación Steve, que resultó ser mi mejor amigo.

Era fácil ser amigo de Steve porque nos parecíamos en varios aspectos, teníamos sueños similares de conseguir resultados extraordinarios y, lo más importante, no nos dejábamos influir por los chupasangres. Era difícil resistirse a los chupasangres, teniendo en cuenta la forma en que oprimen a todo el mundo con su lujoso estilo de vida. Con sus ropas caras, iban a la escuela en coches lujosos, dando siempre un espectáculo allá donde iban. Por no hablar de que se quedaban con todas las chicas guapas. Todos querían ser como los chupasangres.

Unirse a ellos era realmente fácil, pero había que pagar un precio muy caro. Tenías que renunciar a tu búsqueda del éxito académico porque, una vez que te unieras a ellos, no tendrías tiempo para asistir a las clases o completar las tareas. Estarías ocupado en fiestas y en otras cosas ilegales que les hacían tan ricos. Les llamaban chupasangres porque se quedaban toda la noche organizando fiestas y molestando a todo el vecindario con su música a todo volumen.

Pocos meses después, conocí al amor de mi vida. Blossom era todo lo que podía pedir en una chica. Era humilde, guapa, tenía un gran sentido del humor y era súper brillante. Junto con mi mejor amigo Steve, formamos nuestra pequeña banda de trío. Lo hacíamos todo juntos. Por las tardes, cuando no estábamos estudiando o trabajando en un proyecto, salíamos, pasábamos el rato y nos divertíamos. A veces íbamos a espectáculos de karaoke simulando ser un grupo de trío, con Blossom cantando, Steve dándole a las bandas y yo tocando la guitarra. Cada momento con ellos era divertido. En la escuela siempre nos sentábamos juntos a comer haciendo bromas a los chupasangres. Blossom decía;

"Mira a ese con la cabeza grande, apuesto a que no tiene idea de lo que es la química"

"Por supuesto que sí", respondía Steve. "Seguro que piensa que es la relación entre un chico y una chica".

Entonces, todos estallamos en carcajadas. Durante nuestro primer año en la escuela, nos resultaba estúpido que alguien eligiera la riqueza en lugar de la educación y el conocimiento. Los tres nos mantuvimos unidos durante el primer y segundo año de universidad. A mediados del tercer año perdí a mi mejor amigo Steve a manos de los chupasangres. Todavía recuerdo sus últimas palabras.

"Qué necesidad hay de sufrir para estudiar, cuando estos chupasangres acaban pagando por sacar las mejores notas. Estoy harto de que me miren por encima del hombro y se refieran a mí como un universitario joven, tonto y sin dinero".

Después de unirse a los chupasangres, se mudó a los costosos albergues donde vivían los chupasangres, dejándome solo en la habitación. Esto trajo consigo la soledad, pero Blossom me dejó sentir gran parte de la soledad. Ella venía a hacerme compañía tan a menudo como podía.

Desgraciadamente, unos meses más tarde, su madre, que era la única que le quedaba, enfermó. Con esto, se hizo difícil para Blossom pagar sus cuentas y valerse por sí misma. Me sentí muy mal porque no podía hacer nada, ya que mi madre apenas conseguía mantenerme en la escuela. Un día me dejó una nota triste.

"Siento que tenga que ser así. Sabes que te quiero y que seguiré contigo pase lo que pase. Pero ahora mismo, si no hago algo con mi situación, podría abandonar la escuela destruyendo así todos mis sueños. Hay un chupasangre que siempre ha estado en mi cuello. Me prometió el cielo y la tierra si me hacía su novia".

Y ese fue el fin de nuestra relación de tres años. Primero perdí a mi mejor amigo a manos de los chupasangres, y ahora también se han llevado al amor de mi vida. Desde ese día, sentí que estaba sola en el mundo. Durante el almuerzo en la escuela, me sentaba sola mirando a Steve mientras se divertía con sus nuevos amigos y a Blossom riendo con su nuevo novio. Incluso cuando decidía salir a divertirme, todos los lugares a los que iba me recordaban a mis amigos. La mayoría de las veces me quedaba en mi habitación enfurruñada y muriéndome de aburrimiento.

Después de varios meses, no pude soportarlo más. Finalmente cedí al impulso de unirme a los chupasangres.



To join them was actually easy, but there was only one costly price to pay. You had to give up your pursuit for academic success because once you join them you wouldn't have time to attend classes or complete assignments.

No one would drop the pursuit for his academic to follow the path of the bloodsuckers. People who follow them are the foolish type who does not have futures. So, we should remain our stand be avoiding them at all costs


Bloodsucker? Hmm, such an interesting tag. I enjoyed reading your story although I had mixed feelings about it. Had no idea that the trio would end up in the same group they detested. I Guess life happens to the best of us Anyway. Good story!


Thanks... I just had to twist the ending to make it rhyme with the prompt. Glad to see you here


This phase

What is the need of suffering to study, when these bloodsuckers end up paying to get the best grades. I'm sick of being looked down and referred to as a young, dumb and broke college kid."

Is making a lot of people to lose interest in school


Boredom often has major consequences when adults do not think through the consequences of their actions. The management of feelings such as these is highlighted in the story. 💡

Regards @doziekash 🙋
